Chapter 6

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I pulled up to the park and smiled, seeing Josh sitting on grass, covered by a picnic blanket. I walked up behind him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey babe."

He stood up and smiled.
"Any trouble getting out of the house?"

"Just told them I was heading to the store for some girl products."
After a moments pause I ask,
"What's all this?"

"Just a little something I packed." He led me over and sat down. "I packed apples and raspberries because I know they're your favorite as well as lemonade and some sandwiches cut into triangles because they make you feel fancy."

I blush a little and smile.
"You are the sweetest."

Josh looked at me for a moment.

"What?" I ask and laugh a little.

"I was just noticing how great you look in that outfit."

"Well you clean up pretty nice yourself."

Josh and I talked for a long while. It was nice. No distractions; no brothers. Just the warm air, slight breeze and the smell of Josh's cologne. Unfortunately I spoke too soon. As I leaned in for a kiss I heard a voice that made me freeze.

"Lilac Marie Swanson!"

I closed my eyes and sighed before turning around.

"What are you doing here Caleb? Sam?"

"When you took more than thirty minutes at the store we knew you weren't at the store." Caleb answers.

I looked over at Josh and he looked unsure of what to do.

"We put a tracker on your phone and saw you were at the park." Caleb continued.

"We knew you were to dressed up to go to the store. Why didn't you just tell us you were going on a date?" Sam asked; his voice calmer then Caleb's.

"Maybe I should leave." Josh said apprehensively, standing up.

"No. They'll be leaving soon." I told him as I pushed his shoulder back down.
"I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't approve." I said as I turned back towards my brothers.

"You don't know-"

"You're damn right." Caleb said, cutting off Sam.

"I'm sixteen Caleb! Almost seventeen!" I raised my voice. I was getting angry now and I'm tired of him thinking he can control every little thing I do. "I'm not five anymore. You don't control my whole life. Yes I get you're my legal guardian but I'm almost an adult! There are things I can do on my own. Such as going to the park with my boyfriend!" By the end i had to catch my breath.

"I'm so sick of your attitude Lilac. You think you know everything but you don't!" Caleb's voice raised now as well. "Life isn't as easy as you think it is. You think you can live in your own?"

I opened my mouth to answer but he wasn't done.

"No, you can't. You think you're ready and your not! You're just acting like a child who thinks they've got everything figured out."

"That's bull shit Caleb. I never said-"

"You think you can live on your own? Go ahead! Show the world your not as helpless as you seem!"


"No Sam! She thinks she's all high and mighty and she's not! She's gotta learn. If she thinks can live on her own then let her." Caleb finished and walked back to his car.

"Come home Lilac." Sam said, nodding towards the car.

"Caleb made it pretty clear Sam."

"But where will you go?"

"I'll figure it out."

"Sam let's go!" Caleb yelled.

"I'll- I'll talk to him okay?"

"It's fine." I waved him off and turned back to Josh.

I waited until I heard the car drive off before I relaxed.

"You okay?" Josh asked hesitantly. "You can come stay with me. My mom won't mind."

"No. No that's okay." I looked at the sky; the sun beginning to set.

"You sure? Because-"

"I have some friends who wouldn't mind."

"Okay." He stood up and kissed my cheek. "Call me tomorrow?"

I nodded and headed to my car.
I drove around for a while. Not ready to  go home yet. It was 2 hours later before I finally decided to head back.
As I pulled into the driveway of the Lynch house I was beginning to feel the effects of what had just happened. I knocked on the door and waited for and answer.  After a few seconds the door opened and Riker came into view.

"Lilac? Should you be at home?" He asked, sleep evident in his voice.

"Um.. can I stay here?"

"Yeah of course."

"No I mean- I mean for a while."

"Oh uh yeah sure. We don't have the bed set up but,"

"Rydel won't mind." I say as Riker closes  the door.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll um. I'll talk you in the morning Riker."

"Okay. Well goodnight." He said, ruffling my hair a tad.

A bit dramatic I know but she doesn't like s but of drama right? I hope you guys enjoyed it and look forward to another chapter sometime this week.

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