Chapter VIII

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After everything we had done could you really blame me when I didn't want to study and instead wanted to put my lips against Bakugous one more time?

Could you REALLY blame a man for wanting that?

It was driving me insane actually. That Bakugou was just casually talking to me about history and economics like if we didn't just try to suck each other's souls out from each other's mouths. Driving me up the fucken wall how he kept asking me why I wasn't paying attention to him when he knew damn well that I could still taste him on my lips.

"I don't want to do this anymore" I whined.

"I don't give a fuck. We ditched for a fucken reason" Bakugou growled.

"We can just do this later though."

"No because later we have to work on the next two chapters and after that we have to review for the test" Bakugou said.

I let out a grunt. I was really not in the mood to do any of this. It's not like anything that he was saying was sticking to my mind anyways! I rather be memorizing the way his skin feels on my fingers instead of what fucken court battle made it so the government was able to tax its fucken people.

"Did you fucken hear me" Bakugou said, nudging my shoulder.

"Huh what sorry" I said, snapping myself back into reality.

"You're fucken hopeless you know that? There's only so much shit that i can do" Bakugou said, clearly getting pissed off.

"Im sorry I just can't focus right now" I said.

I knew that Bakugou was actually trying his best, I knew that he was trying to help me. It was really my own idiotic brain that was making me out to be an ass that wasn't caring about how kind he was being to me. My own damn brain that was making it seem like I didn't care that he was taking time out of his life to tutor me and help me pass my class.

"Why can't you focus" he asked.

"I well... I don't know" I said, being too embarrassed to admit why.

Bakugou just let out a sigh. He closed his text book and rested his elbows on his knees, looking me up and down. Like if he was analyzing me thoroughly.

"Why don't we do something so that you can get your shit together" he said.

"Oh like" I asked playfully, my mind immediately going to the gutter.

He should've never kissed me because now I really don't have anything I want to do. All my mind wanted to do was kiss him every single moment of every day. It's like if I'm slowly becoming addicted to feeling him on my lips.

"How about you get your mind out of the gutter and I'll take a nap" Bakugou said before laying down on the grass. "Wake me up when you fix your shit."

I had personally never been shut down, or rejected in any kind of way. So this in a way was the first time someone so blatantly shut down my advances.

It didn't feel nice at all.

If anything, it frustrated me.

I let out a grunt. I tried to nudge Bakugou but the fucker really was intent on sleeping! This of course made me grunt again. Am I just so touch starved that what happened in the truck was impacting me so much, did it only mean a lot to me? Or was my self-control really that shitty that even Bakugou, king of not holding back, was telling me to quit my shit?

Whatever, I wasn't about to try and wake Bakugou up. Knowing him he would probably bite my head off if I did that, plus I would still be wanting to make out with him so I would be waking him up only for us to be back in square one. I looked around the park and saw that it was absolutely empty, that didn't surprise me since it's a Tuesday at fucken 9 in the morning.

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