Chapter IX

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Authors Note: Okay okay listen just listen.....i know that it has been since January that I updated and i know that its literally like half way through March. I also know that i had made the promise to update soon (which i didn't because i am a SHIT human being) but listen. Life took the physical form of a bull and decide to impale me with its fucken horns and then run around with my corpse through a sea of fire. Its been all kinds of messy and because of that I'm going to be real with y'all like i would promise that I will be updating more often but listen. The bull might be in like a coma or just went away for a bathroom break like who fucken knows when i will have time to properly write and edit. So like this is your guys warning: I will be continuing this story and plan on completely finishing it, however i don't promise that y'all wont have to wait a while for updates like listen. I am a 19 year old teenager that is struggling to survive on my sad little paycheck i get with my shit apartment and little shit of a dog to take care of. BUT I DO MAKE THIS PROMISE: i will make the chapter long so that the waits are worth while and will check on here at least twice a week and answer comments or maybe keep y'all up to date or something. But enough about me, I've made y'all wait enough, here's what you're all here for.



When I had heard him say "I'm hungry" as a teenage boy with absolute no money I assumed that this would mean that we would maybe go to the closest corner store and buy some shitty chips and maybe share a drink. Buy things in the one-digit range and then proceed to eat said things inside his car or some shitty side walk. What I had not expected was for Bakugou to pull up in an actual Italian restaurant that looked so fancy that I couldn't even imagine coming here with my parents.

"Um listen, I loooooooove that like you're taking care of me and I definitely love what we've uh been doing but um Bakugou, my sweet little bubble but of a boyfriend."

"Don't call me- "

"I have no fucken money."


"I know dumbass. I'm paying" Bakugou said, making me internally scream. If there was one thing that made me want to smash my head in was whenever people paid for me.

"Ba.....Bakugou.....we're not going in there.///"

"Hm? You don't like Italian?....fucken weirdo" he mumbled. "Okay well there's a Chinese restaurant down the street or I mean I think there's like a sea food place two blocks over."

"No, we're not eating out period. You're not fucken paying for my shit, you have done enough for me really. There's just no way that I'm going to let you pay for me."

"why not it's just fucken food don't be weird."

"It's not just the food. I just... don't want you to pay for me."

"......well I'm starving and they have a killer fucken lasagna here so you can stay in the car and dwell on your shitty pride or whatever the fuck is wrong. Or you can join me, let me pay for you and enjoy a nice lunch. Your choice, stay here like a little baby or get off this car" Bakugou said before promptly getting out of the car and walking away.

I stayed there, shocked. This was the kind of shit that you don't even think someone would actually go ahead and do, like yeah, I bet a lot of people would want to do what Bakugou just did, but no one has the balls to do it most of the time. But he did.... he just left me here. Not only that but he also fucken did the equivalent of pulling the pin out of a grenade and then walking away. Shitting on my pride and then closing the door on me.

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