//chapter 2//

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"Yes I realize this isn't normal Grace."

I said over the phone to my best friend.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?!"

The way her voice shook as she asked me questions made me realize that she was genuinely worried for me.

I didn't have an answer for her, and my silence over the phone translated into a whole lot of words on her end.

"Do you think it's one of your past lives? Like trying to reach out to you?"

"In the form of flowers? And artwork?"

I could always count on Grace for some crazy explanation.

She sighed and finally asked,

"When was the last time it happened?"

"That's what I called to talk to you about. Earlier tonight I felt it all up and down my sides at a dinner date."

"A DATE?!"

I chuckled at her infatuation for my love life.

"Shh it's not what it sounds like. Anyway. I grabbed a pen and wrote for whoever was doing it to stop."

Grace got very quiet.

"I haven't gotten any more since."

I could hear her breathing on the other side. I needed her to say something. Anything. Someone had to speak some sense into me about this.


"This is freaking me out, I'm sorry. How about you try drawing on yourself as an offering to appease it?"

"What? Do you think this is some type of tattoo spirit?"

"I don't know?!? It's not like this is the most normal situation ever."

I looked down just in time to see all the ink magically smear off my skin.

"Hey Grace I have to go... can you come over tonight?"

"Wait!! Aps,"

I hung up before she could finish. I've found that if I hang up quickly enough then she can't say no.

I love her so much.

And of course exactly twenty minutes later she walks through the front door without even knocking.

I hear her going into the kitchen downstairs and rummaging through the fridge, giving my mother a smile and nothing more like she owned the whole house.

Once she finally came up the stairs she plopped down next to me. I eyed the ice cream tub she was holding.

Upon noticing me wanting her food she laughed and hugged it tighter.

I attacked her and had her in fits of laughter when I tickled her in her most ticklish spots.


She finally choked between breaths.

We both sat down on my bed again. She looked around and after a moment she got up and turned on the twinkle lights above my bed and turned off my main lighting.

"Is this to help us communicate with the spirit world or something?"

As stupid as this sounded she proceeded to start humming and light the candles around my bed with a match that she must have gotten from downstairs.

"Grace! We are not doing this right now!"

I put out each candle with my fingers which made her start laughing. Again.

She thought the stupidest things were amusing.

She started lifting up my shirt in order to see the markings.

"Aspen!! I can't see them! Do you think this means that only you can see them?"

"No that means that they disappeared right after I hung up with you."

She traced her fingers over where I had previously written STOP.

She found a pen from somewhere in my room and was about to take it to my palm.

I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Grace! What are you doing?!"

"We'll never know what this is if we never ask?"

"So your just gonna ask 'what are you?' Are you insane?"

To this she simply smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and stole the pen from her.

"We are not going to try to communicate with my skin."

She was purely disappointed and started doing her irresistible puppy face.

Luckily I still managed to say no.

Grace continued to eat all the ice cream and I tried to take the spoon from her. Instead of actually giving it to me she flung it at my leg.

"Owwe Grace!! It's turning pink!"

"Okay fine eat your ice cream."

I finally ate it in victory when she suddenly demanded me to stop.


She pointed at where she had flung the spoon on my leg.

There in pen was the word.


A/N don't forget to vote and tell me what you thought, I'd love to know :)

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