//chapter 6// *last chapter*

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A nurse told me that he woke up shortly after they got him into the emergency room.

Lucky for him he had been asleep when they got the glass chard out of him. Unfortunately I felt every second of it.

I'm pretty sure I bent the arm rests of the waiting room chair with how hard I was clutching it.

Five texts from my mom and four missed calls from Grace.

I quickly turned my phone off not ready to face them. I got up and followed the nurse to his room. I walked in the door and she left behind me.

The look on his face when he saw me was one of pure confusion.

"You?" He said in a raspy voice.

It was then that I lifted my shirt to show him the recently cleaned gash that I had.

He didn't understand. It was then I realized we probably had the same birthmarks and scars if we had the same injuries and tattoos.

I slowly lifted my hair and turned around show him a birthmark on the back of my neck.

"Does this seem familiar to you?"

I asked. His hand immediately went to the back of his neck as if he was recalling his own.

His eyes grew wide and his mouth gaped open.

"We have..."

He pointed to me. I came and sat down beside him.

"You were the one who said STOP, weren't you?"

"And you were the one who said OUCH."

I smiled. This was the moment I had been waiting for.

"How did you find me?"

He said as his mind scrambled to put pieces together.

I thought of the work reminder he written on his hand on Thursday. Such a little thing had saved his life.

I took his hand in mine. At one point that would have given me a heart attack but now it just seemed natural.

"Just following orders."

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