Chapter 18: Why Is Life So Difficult?!

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(Nova's POV for the third time)

I got up, brushing the dust off my clothes as I stared at the man before me.  My soul broke into a thousand pieces when I saw that it wasn't Gabriel; just some guy waiting for the bus.  I glanced at him before beginning to sulk off.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else..." when I turned to him, his eyes had softened.

"Oh.  Well, I should be the one apologizing.  I over-reacted.  Are you okay?" he held out a hand, stopping me.

I started nodding my head but it soon turned into me shaking my head.  Before I knew what was happening, I was telling this complete stranger everything that had happened to me in the past month.  I knew I sounded completely insane, but I didn't care.  I just wanted somebody to know; I needed to get everything off my chest.

Pretty soon I was breaking down.  I was on my knees, tears streaming down my face.  The stranger was staring at me like I was crazy.  I didn't blame him.  He knelt down so that we were eye-to-eye.  His eyes were filled with fear and sympathy.

"Don't worry, Nova.  I could help you if you want." he said, making my blood chill.   The crying stopped.  The tears kept going, but the noises had stopped.  I slowly lifted my head to look at him.  My heart stopped when I saw they were black.

"What's the matter, darling?" another voice, a British man, came from behind me.  Before I really knew what was happening, I was being dragged up by my hair.  I screeched in pain as a fist collided with my jaw.  I faced the British man (not like I really had a choice) and a wave of fear flooded through me.

It was Crowley.

"Don't be scared.  Daddy's taking you home now.  You really shouldn't have run off, dear.  Your favorite demon missed you.  Well, he missed your screams, but the details don't really matter, now do they?" he stepped forward and put his hand on my cheek.  I whimpered before the world turned black.  I felt my limbs go numb as consciousness left me body.

(Gabriel's POV finally)

I knew Nova was going to hate me for leaving, but it was the only way to keep her safe. The Bunker was layered in all kinds of warding magic, so Lucifer shouldn't be able to find her or the guys.  But I still can't help feeling like she's in trouble.  It's been about three days since I left, and I kept getting a tingling feeling in my stomach, like something wasn't right.

I sighed as I climbed over a fence.  I knew that I could just fly wherever I need to, but I don't really know where I'm going.  Hopefully I don't loop around and end up back at the bunker.

Frustration coursed through me as I remembered everything that had gone down in the past month or so.  I rescued Nova from Hell only to find out that she had been turned into a demon.  At the time I felt a certain degree of rage at my friend, but I couldn't stand to see the look of betrayal on her face when Dean (whatever kind of spell he was under) tried to kill her.

Nova was my friend and I abandoned her.  Well, running away is my specialty after all.  I can't help but to be bitter at myself for once again running.  It upset me to the think that Nova was in pain, both mentally and physically, and I just left.

I had to turn back.  If I didn't, I don't know what I'd do.  I'd probably end up going insane and either killing an innocent or killing myself.  I couldn't leave my friend back there, alone with those three.  Dean might try to kill her again.  I couldn't take that risk.

So I turned back.  And what I was met with didn't surprise me in the least.


Hey there!  Sorry that the chapters are getting shorter, I'm kind of running out of ideas.  And don't worry, I'll be making a sequel to this.  This one is about Gabe and Nova developing their relationship, and the second one is them actually getting together, but with a twist.

(Word Count: 713)

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