Chapter 15: I'm Trying So Hard....

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(Gabriel's POV)

I couldn't stand not being able to help her. She was just so sad and depressed and I couldn't do anything about it. I just stared as she turned her back on me. She was shaking, and so was I. But I was shaking with fear that she was going to do something beyond stupid. I needed to keep a close eye on her from now on. Closer than I had been. She needed someone to listen to what she was going through. Even though I couldn't being to understand, I could still try. It's the least I could do for getting her caught up in this mess.


"Shut it."

I sighed before walking closer, my footsteps echoing through the abandoned building. She didn't flinch when I put my hand on her shoulder. She just...gave up more, which I don't think is possible for her. She doesn't even try anymore and that scared the shit out of me.

"Nova, please..."

"Please what?" her voice was harsh.

My voice shook as I spoke. "Nova, please turn around..." she didn't. I asked her again, a little more desperation in my voice. Nothing. I was on the verge of tears. Again. I wrapped my arms around her waist, careful to avoid the wound, and rested my head on her shoulder. She felt warm and her hair brushed softly against my face. I dug my face into the crook of her neck and waited for her to do something, anything. But she didn't do anything.

I knew of one way to get her to respond to me, but I highly doubt she would appreciate it. Oh well. I guess I like trouble. I sighed softly and lightly nipped her neck, causing her to stiffen. At least it was a reaction. Then I realized something she said before.

"Who's oblivious to what, Nova?" I asked, breathing on her neck. She shivered slightly.

"N-nobody," she was lying to me. I have to admit that it stung a little.

I nipped her neck again. "Nova, please tell me..."

She shook her head and sat down, dragging me down with her. I was still wrapped around her, my face buried in her neck. I felt her move her hands so that she was holding mine. They were ice-cold.

She mumbled something under her breath. I gave her neck a quick kiss, which caused her to whimper slightly. I pretended not to hear it.


"Y-you...Gabriel, you're the oblivious person I was talking about," her breathing had sped up slightly and her voice was quiet and low.

"Me?" she nodded.

I wanted to ask what I was oblivious to, but I felt like we both already knew. I smiled before saying anything.

"Nova, I love you too..."

There was silence for a few seconds. I started to panic; what if that's not what she was referring to? But that fear was instantly replaced by her turning around and pressing her lips to mine. It was soft and slow and sweet. She reached up and ran her cold, trembling fingers through my hair. I pulled her closer to me, deepening the kiss. I felt her smile and a second later I could taste salt. She was crying.

We pulled apart, both of us slightly breathless. I smiled and she closed her eyes, leaning against me and cradling herself in my arms. She was still shaking and tears slid down her face. She shifted so her face was pressed against my chest. She cried into my shirt, soaking the cloth with her tears. Her grip on my hair got tighter before I realized she was having a mental breakdown. I grabbed her hands from my hair and let her latch onto my collar. Hey, I don't like my hair being strained any more than it needs to. Plus it hurt like hell. Her grip was TIGHT!

"Gabriel, I swear to Chuck if you're playing with my feelings I will kill you," she laughed at the joke threat, but I knew she meant it to some extent. Good thing I wasn't just screwing with her.

I shook my head. "I would never do that to you, Nova. I do truly love you with everything I have. I wish I could've realized that you loved me too sooner. I guess that's why I let you groom my wings. You're only supposed to let those you love help you groom. It's kind of like an unspoken angel rule. Ya know?" I was crying now, letting these human emotions control me, my body, and my mind. I didn't care if heaven kicked me out for loving a human. I mean, what could they do anyways? I left a long time ago.

It was a few minutes later until I realized that Nova was straddling me in the NON-sexual way. She was still hugging me, her head still pressed against my chest. I felt something warm drip onto my lap. I looked down and saw blood. Nova's shirt was soaked in it. I gasped and lifted it up to reveal that the wound had completely reopened. And it looked like it was infected too. Damn it all!

"Gabriel? Nova?" Dean's voice rang through the building. I scooped Nova in my arms despite her protesting that she could walk just fine, but I refused to put her down. I could hear the pain in her voice as I ran over to where the two brothers were looking around. Sam spun around and aimed a shotgun at us before relaxing when he realized it was just me and Nova.

"Dear god, is she okay?" Dean had approached us, guilt written all over his face.

"Not at all. Lucifer stabbed Nova here and now it's infected. Probably because I took her here, of all places." I mentally face-palmed.

"No, infections need some time to fully develop. She had to have been exposed to something a while ago." I sighed as Sam lay his medical knowledge on us.

Dean looked impatient. He was shifting from foot to foot and kept glancing at the doors. "Come on guys let's go!" he grabbed us and started shoving us towards the door, almost causing me to drop Nova, who had passed out from the pain.

"What's the rush, Dean?" I exclaimed, shooting him a glare.

"I want to get Nova out of here as fast as Ican. I don't like the way this placemakes me feel..." I couldn't argue with that.


Here's the second chapter for today!  I hope you like it!  Bye bye!

(Word Count: 1067)

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