Hikaru Ending - part 2

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   Packing for the Kyoto trip, according to Ranka, is not a simple as toiletries, two day's worth of clothes that can be washed, and pajamas. Apparently, I must "plan".

   "Oh, darling," he says to me, "your attempt is cute." He pats my head, then stares disdainfully at the suitcase of clothes that I have filled. He starts to unpack everything. "This can go." he holds up a t-shirt that I got free in town.

   "That is my favorite t-shirt!" I protest.

   "From 'Aina's Grocery?'" He looks skeptic.

   "Yes." I say indignantly, and I take it from his grip.

   When he is done dismantling my hard work, he gets up from his knees and says, "Let me repack this for you. I'll make sure you get everything that you need."

   "On one condition." I say.

   Ranka cocks his head. "And what's that?"

   "Let me keep the grocery shirt." 

   Ranka shrugs. "Fine, deal." He then shoves me out of the room and closes the door. At that moment, Haruhi comes out of the bathroom. 

   "Uh, did you just make a deal with dad?" She looks worried.

   "Yes. And I don't have to pack." I feel triumphed and proud.

   "You don't know what you just did, do you." My confusion must show on my face. "You let the beast out of him - his fashion beast."

   "Okay, Haru-chan. I think you might be exaggerating a bit." 

   "You don't know him like I do. He will put ribbons and flowers and ruffles in you bag, and you will live to regret it." She talks like the survivor of a long and bloody war.

   "Well," I shrug, "I get out of packing, so I have no problem."

   Haruhi walks away will her head shaking back and forth, mumbling about how ballsy kids are these days.


(Hikaru POV)

   "Hey, Hikaru," Kaoru asks, his head popping out from outside the door, "Are you all packed?"

   "Yeah." I heft my bags from the ground to my shoulder.

   "Oh, Master Hikaru, let me get that for you." Kimiko, one of the maids, said, moving to take the bags from me. 

   "It's fine. I can handle them." We load the bags into the limo and drive off for school. It is arranged that after the school day, we will drive down to Kyoto. 

   The school day is a drag. I can't seem to focus on any of the lessons that the teachers are expecting us to remember. I find that my eyes repeatedly drift over to the back of (Y/N)'s head - she sits in front of me for most of my lessons. And in the classes where she is behind me, I am acutely aware of what I am doing and take great care not to do anything stupid. When the last class is finally over, I jog to the club room to get the bags and suitcases that Kaoru and I dropped of earlier. 

   "Is this all of your stuff?" A cynical voice asks. I turn and see (Y/N) behind me, a small duffel bag in her hand and a smaller backpack over her shoulder. "How much stuff do you need?"

   My heart skips a beat. I straighten up and clear my throat. "I just want to be prepared."

   She scoffs. "There is such a thing as over preparedness."

   "It is foreign to me."

   She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, well, I'll see you on the bus." (Y/N) starts towards the door.

   I scramble to get all of my bags together. "Wait!" She stops walking and turns around. "Will you wait for me? Then we can walk together down to the bus." She shrugs and leans against a pillar. I hurriedly get my stuff on both of my arms. 

   "All set?"


   We walk down to the buses together, and I can't help but feel giddy. This is the moment where our relationship begins. We will look back on this moment and laugh and think 'ah, young love'.

   "RIO!" One of (Y/N)'s clients, Akiara I think, shouts and waves to her. 

   "Okay, I guess I'll see you later." She smiles and puts her and on my arm, though it lingered as she stepped away. I feel goosebumps. I smile and cannot hear anything anyone is saying to me. Her smile. Her touch. I will never forget this moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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