Chapter 2: A Secret to be Kept

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Hi! Sorry for the wait! I feel bad about making y'all wait.

So, here is the second chapter! Hope y'all like it.

Butterfly kisses,



Chapter 2: A Secret to be Kept

"Ow!" Kayden said, his glare boing into me. "Umm... What was that for?!?"

"Sorry," I said quickly and insincerely.

"Whatever," he said, miffed. "it's fine. I've sort of gotten used to this treatment by now."

Ouch. That sort of stung.

I gave him the once-over. His tousled brown hair looked soft and perfect. His strong muscles were visible underneath his white v-neck, and his dark-wash jeans defined his bu-

Wait. Was I just thinking that? Ew. I liked someone else. Someone nicer, someone who liked me back, and someone who wasn't a total player like him.

I shook my head to clear out the nasty thoughts, and realized he was looking at me strangely.

"I'm fine," I stuttered, knowing what he was thinking. That I was about to have one of my panic attacks. But no, I was fine... Physically.

"Okay," he said, unconvinced.

Did he actually sound worried?

No. Get those thoughts out of your head, Ella.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly.

"Kayden, I really have to get going," I said, pushing past him.

He thankfully didn't respond, but I had to use all of my strength to not look back. I dashed to my car and threw open the trunk. The old duffle bag was still laying in there, to my relief.

I unzipped it to check for all of the necessities. Glasses; check. Beanie; check. Black ripped skinny jeans; check. Combat boots; check. Comfy flannel shirt; check. Makeup remover; check.

Why did I have all of this stuff? Once I'm seen at the party by enough people to ensure that my presence was known, I was going to sneak out.

But a sudden fear struck me. What if someone followed me? What if someone found out to where I was sneaking off to? What if they spilled my secret? A secret that was to be kept.

Grabbing the bag and slamming the trunk shut, I spun around and climbed into my car. I inhaled the familiar and comforting smell of Starbucks, and then turned on the radio. Once my head was clear, I climbed out again.

I heard music pumping and already could see red solo cups littering the yard across from mine. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked across the street and into Kayden's yard. I plopped the duffle bag into a large bush and checked to make sure it was hidden. Man, Kayden's house was huge.

He lived by himself because his parents traveled so much for business. So it's not like he would get in any trouble for all of these weekly parties.

As for me and Bryce, our parents lived in the mansion down the street. There was at least an acres worth of yard, and then you came to the guest house, where me and Bryce lived.

Our parents would come and check on us every Friday to make sure we weren't getting into any trouble, which meant they were here today. Ugh.

I love my parents and all, but I only really see them once a week, and even then they were hard to handle. The one really good thing about them is they don't care if we go to crazy parties every week, as long as we don't get drunk.

I strutted in the front door of Kayden's house and smiled, flirted, and chatted with a few people.

A coke was shoved into my hands and I looked up at Wyatt Mason with a smile on my face. I'd had a crush on him since the 6th grade. I mean, who wouldn't? He was the 3rd most popular boy in school. Well, and his looks. He had shaggy blonde hair, puppy dog brown eyes, and great muscles. Although, not as great as Kayde-

No. Not those thoughts again. I like Wyatt. Not butthole.

"Thanks," I smiled up at him.

He was 6'1" and I was a petite 5'3". So, of course I was smiling up at him.

He smiled back and said, "of course, anything for you, Ella."

I blushed beet red before stuttering, "um... Well, thanks."

I scurried off as quick as I could as to not embarrass myself. Running through a narrow hallway, I collided with a hard chest and was about to crash to the ground, when a large, warm hand enveloped my soft, small hand.

Looking up and blushing again, I felt my eyes lock with my rescuer's.

And those eyes belonged to Kayden.

And I looked straight into those meadows of lush green grass.

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