📖Chapter 1: Triggered Memories📖

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"There was a soft, crackling noise, and a shivering light filled the compartment. Professor Lupin appeared to be holding a handful of flames. They illuminated his tired, gray face, but his eyes looked alert and wary." -from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

When Harry encountered the dementor, he does not only remember the death of his parents, it also triggered his memory when he's still a baby.

He remember the lullaby his mom used to sing to him. He remember Moony, Padfoot, and even Wormtail. He also remember the story his mom used to tell him, his mom's and snape's friendship. And most importantly, he remember his mom doing the ritual that made him the boy-who-lived.


Harry woke up with sunlight streaming to his face. He already dreaded today, they have Divination and Harry's already thinking about which way he would die today and importantly, it's Halloween, the day his parents died.

"SHUT UP!" harry bellowed, his emerald eyes glowing and glinting furiously. One would say that he has his mother's temper. 

He was-is angry, he had enough of Trelawney that keep predicting his death and the people who celebrate. They had forgotten the fact that his mother died, he even never been to his parents grave! "YOU MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN BUT I REMEMBER EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!" Harry lashed out. "The voice, the hugs, her face, everything...," Harry trailed off.

"Harry-" Hermione interrupted.

"I didn't even have any pictures, clothes and things of my parents. Merlin! I've never even been to their grave!" Harry continued.

"I have been left on my relative's doorstep with a thin blanket and a letter, A BLOODY LETTER where anyone could easily take me or animals could have easily hurt or devour me! I lived in the cupboard under the stairs till my Hogwarts letter arrived!" Harry continued before he calmed down a bit. Then Harry stormed out of the Great Hall.

Everyone is still silent they are in shock of the revelation and still processing what Harry said.

"I told you Albus!" Professor McGonagall said.

Then she continued with a sad sigh, "He's right, we should have known".


Harry arrived at Professor McGonagall's office the next morning. " Good Morning Professor," harry greeted.

"Good Morning Mr. Potter. What can I help you with?" The professor inquired.

"I wonder if I could still change electives." Harry said.

"Ah yes, Divination?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"And Care of Magical Creatures," Harry added.

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow then continued, "You are lucky it's just the first week of November and it's divination. I'm afraid you can't change or drop off until the next term if you have waited longer".

" I would like to change it to Arithmancy and Ancient Runes," Harry said.

"I will give you your new schedule and talk to your professors," Professor McGonagall stated.

"Thank you Professor," Harry bid goodbye.


Sorry for the cringy fanfic and an advance apology for future late updates.

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