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"IZUMI-SAN!" /  "RAION-CHAN!"  Kou and Azusa both screamed, unable to go to her.

Izumi widened her eyes, she couldn't move her legs. The beast opened its mouth, revealing its sharp canines. Just when it was ready to penetrate her skin, she was pushed away. As if in slow motion, she couldn't blink from the sudden action.

There, replacing her spot, Ruki stood in front of her.  Instead of Izumi's, Ruki's shoulders was bitten.

 He groaned in pain as he kicked the wolf far from them

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He groaned in pain as he kicked the wolf far from them. Blood trailed all along his arm, the same red liquid that was stained on the wolf's canines.

"Ruki!" Izumi ran towards him, worry written all over her face. She didn't know what to do, she had never seen this much blood before.

Ruki covered his bleeding shoulder with his hand. "Are you okay?" His blue-grey gaze stared into Izumi's.

"Nevermind about me. Are YOU okay!?" She removed his hand away. A mark was left on his skin, and it seemed pretty deep. Blood kept dripping out. "We need to treat this right away!"

"No, it's fine. It'll eventually heal. Our top priority is you getting out of this hell." He said with serious eyes. He gripped her arm, forcing her to calm down for a moment and look him in the eye.

"Ruki-san!" Azusa and Kou came right away after killing the flying pests. The bodies of the birds littered the floor behind them.

At that moment, the sound of doors being slammed echoed the room. Yuma finally reunited with them. He immediately noticed Ruki's wound. "Your arm..." Knowing whose fault this huge mess is, Yuma clenched his fists, his teeth grinding against each other.

"Yuma." Ruki called to gain Yuma's attention, signaling him to control his anger.

Yuma wanted to yell back that he couldn't stand seeing his brother hurt but he knew Ruki understood him, along with Azusa and Kou. He relaxed his hand and patiently waited for Ruki's plan.

Ruki sighed and placed a hand on Yuma's arm. "I'll be fine." He then looked at the rest of his brothers. "Trust me."

As Izumi watch them silently, she couldn't help but remember her own sibling. "Yui..." Her sister's name slipped out of her mind, causing the Mukamis to turn to her.  "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. We understand." Though Ruki's face was indifferent, Izumi could tell that he was smiling.

Interrupting their gaze at each other, the door opened widely, revealing more wolves waiting to attack. Azusa, Kou, and Yuma were immediately surrounded.

 Azusa, Kou, and Yuma were immediately surrounded

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