CHAPTER SEVEN: An Angel (Part 2)

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Okay, so I have a question first. Should I continue the music thing in my story or not? You know...the part where Izumi will sing? Just comment your answers :)



Kanato and I walked inside a giant room. I observed that there are a lot of mannequins around. "What are these?"

"Wax figures."

"Why are there so many?"

"They are my collection. Aren't they beautiful?"

"They are beautiful but why are they so life-like? and why are they all wearing gowns?" Now that I know Kanato collects these kind of things...I'm beginning to question his gender.. "Kanato..are you g-"

"Because they were the sacrificial brides before and now they are silent corpses."

'FORGET WHAT I WAS ABOUT TO ASK HIM, OKAY!?' I mentally facepalmed myself. "W-What!? Sacrificial brides!? Isn't that what you brothers call me and Yui!?"

"Yes." Kanato turned around and came near me with those sadistic eyes of his. "Ne, want to be part of my collection? You and Yui-san would look very beautiful but I'd like you to be first. And..Teddy wants a new friend. Isn't that right, Teddy?" He looked at Teddy.

"This is what's going to happen to me and Yui!? NO WAY!" I pushed him and started running. Good..he gave me another reason why Yui and I should leave this sick place!

Before I could make another step, Kanato grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the walls. "Let me go!"

"This is nice. I get to see your frightened face." Kanato's smile widened then licked my neck.

"I'm not afraid of you! I'm afraid of what would happen to my sister! Let me go!"

 He began to stab his fangs into my neck like a knife. It hurts a lot. "I don't want to. Your blood's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted Izumi-san. I'm going to drink it all."

"Mnnhh...Ahh!" His bite went deeper and deeper like he doesn't want to let a single blood to be left in my body. "S-stop Kanato! It hurts!" I struggled really hard to get away from his grip.

"I will sew that noisy mouth of yours shut with neat, tidy, you're lips are far too beautiful to be sewed. I know a better way to seal it."And with that, he kissed me. It was a soft yet dangerous kiss.

'W-What!? Is t-this is m-my first k-kiss but I why do I feel like it's been kissed before...' Oh no.. 'STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS KIND OF STUFF IZUMI! FINDING A WAY TO FREE YOURSELF IS WHAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ON YOUR MIND!' For once, I listened to myself, so I pushed Kanato really hard.

"That miserable sight of you desperately trying to escape in pain excites me so much.  But I'm not even close to being satisfied." He laughed so creepily.

"S-stop this ple-"

"Pain the likes of which you've never experienced should be coursing through your body." He started biting at the other side of my neck this time. 'I can't take this this rate, all my blood will be drained by him! I..I..'

"I HATE YOU!" My voice was heard all over the room.

Kanato released me. I can tell he was surprised but...didn't I told him this before?

"Why?" He looked down on the ground.


"WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!?" He yelled at me. He was really mad yet I felt that there's something else. I immediately erased it in my mind and started to yell back at him.

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