Part 3

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Kakarot POV

At night after dinner, I just cleaned my plate. My thoughts did not escape my friend's suggestion during practice this afternoon.

I'm worried about Bardock. I don't know why but, when I first found him in the forest, I,


There was a groan in the living room. I walked into the room and saw Bardock asleep on the couch.

"Stop it ,, please,"

As expected, he must have had another nightmare. I approached his sleeping body on the couch and glanced at his face that looked at the expression of fear. What has happened to you?

"Bardock? I'm so worried about you, what's going on?"

I just sighed. Again, I shook his body slowly and made him wake up, this is the time.


"Tell me, I want to know all the things that have happened to you."

POV third person

Bardock was silent. The expression of his fear still adorned his slightly flushed face and that make Kakarot worried.

"Bardock, please, tell me."

"I'm, I'm not sure, I'm scared," he said quietly.

"Nobody's going to hurt you, you're save with me now. Tell me."

"O-okay, as I said before, I'm living with my mate, Toma, but something happened."

"What is that?"

"One day when my squad and I were on a mission, someone with great powers came up and attacked us until a few of my squad's were killed."

"And your mate?"

"That bastard almost killed me, but Toma he ,, protect me, he died,"

Sounds very slowly, Kakarot can sense what has happened to Bardock. Seen from his frightened expression, and the tears that came out of his eyes.

"I didn't get to save him, I'm the worst mate for him."

"Shh, it's not your fault, but you know who that person is?"

Bardock shook his head. "I don't remember anything else, everything looks dark then."

Kakarot is silent. He could understand what Bardock was feeling now, anger and sadness must have mixed together.


Bardock didn't understand, suddenly Kakarot hugging his body. Feels warm.

"I understand now, you don't need to scare, I will be with you,"

"But why?"

Kakarot took off his embrace. He looked at Bardock and smiled.

"Listen ,, the first time I found you, I,"


"I, I like you."

Bardock's face flushed when he heard Kakarot's remark. He like him? But, why suddenly.

"I know what I say is crazy, but I do like you."


Kakarot just smiled. He got up and helped Bardock walk toward his room.

Bardock was silent. He didn't know what to say to him. Kakarot loves him, but why should he? He felt he had nothing special in himself.



"You must forget me, Bardock."

Bardock just stood there. The atmosphere is so quiet and has white light.

He saw the figure of a tall man. blue ice armor and pony-tailed ties in his hair.


"Glad to see you again."

Without saying another word, he ran and hugged that man, in his case.

"I miss you so much,,"

"Me too, I'm glad you didn't get killed by him."

"Toma, I-"

"Shh, this is not your fault, and also, there's something I want to tell you."

Bardock took off his embrace. He looked at Toma with a curious expression.

"I want you to forget me."

"What? But why?"

"What you need to remember now I can't protect you anymore, I'm not your mate anymore."

Toma's words made Bardock's heart sliced, the pain and bitterness of the fact that Toma was no longer with him.

"But I'm sure you've got a better alpha than me."


Toma just smiled and wiped Bardock's spiky black hair. "You've found it, Bardock."

Bardock did not understand what Toma was saying. Has he found a better alpha than him? Who? Or,,


"I'm sure he'll protect you.Remember, you're my best omega I have. Thank you."


Poor Bardock. But as Toma had said, he had found the right alpha for him. Who? Kakarot? Hm ,, look for the next part!

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