part 11

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Third person POV

Fighting continues. Bardock continued to attack Kyurito without stopping. Even though he continued to attack, but...

'Damn it!'

There wasn't a single attack that made Kyurito fall.

"You guessed you haven't changed at all."

Bardock just paused while clenching his hands tightly. It is true, in fact, Bardock cannot match Kyurito, the elite saiyan who has great potential to win.

Bardock's feeling of victory almost vanished, the shadow of his past returned and at that moment,


His body began to feel stiff. His fear in the past re-enveloped him.

Coco who was hiding with Corian knew that the situation was starting to deteriorate now. Corian, who was in his arms, began to cry and it worsened the siruation.

"You've lost, Bardock."

Bardock didn't move at all, he just kept silent while staring in horror at Kyurito.

Kyurito who initially only chuckled at the expression of the second-class Saiyan began to approach him.

'You must be mine'


"Only this?"


"Will you just give up?


Kakarot POV

A little more, I can see the castle where Kyurito lives and of course I can feel Bardock ki, it's just, a little weak. Oh no, maybe ..

"No! You have to think positively! Your goal is just to help Bardock!"

Concerned, I accelerated my flight and in the end I arrived at the castle's main door. Slowly, I opened the door while guarding in the event of a sudden attack.

"Here it is, I arrived and I could feel the energy of his ki, wait," when I tried to feel the ki energy from my mate, I also felt another ki energy that was not so strong, and strangely again,

"This is like Bardock, maybe this is my kid's ki?"




Third person POV

"You're not weak 'Dock, I know that."

The atmosphere was so quiet, Bardock remained silent with a blank look. The fear in his past really changed him.

"Dock? Bardock!"

"Ah! Wh-what? What-" the heavy voice suddenly made Bardock realize.

"You're not weak, you know that."

"T-Toma? Wait? How am I-"

"You are under your conscious mind."

"Conscious mind?"
"What happened?"

Bardock just silent without responding to Toma's question. He was confused now, he didn't know what had happened and what was wrong with him?

"Toma, I-"

"You consider yourself weak right?"


Bardock fell back and looked down at his head. His hands and his body began to look trembling.

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