chapter 2

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We finally arrived to the dobre house we grabbed the bags Marcus and lucas showed us the room.
Marcus: this is the room we will be sharing
You&jess: thanks for helping us
Lucas: no problem we will give yous sometime to unpack and settle in
You unpack your clothes and the rest of the things you brought. There was a knock on the door it was the twins they came in and sat on their beds on their phones. You decided to finish editing the video you were working on once you uploaded it you turned you laptop off. Looking up you saw Marcus laughing you looked at him confused.
You: what are you laughing at
Marcus: your video and when you start singing
You: what am I that bad at it (you turned your phone on and scrolled through Instagram you were angry)
A minute or two after Marcus took your phone of you at this stage both Jess and lucas left.
You: give it back
Marcus: not until you hear what I was going to saw
You: fine
Marcus: I wasn't saying your singing was bad I was laughing because you look so cute and are so confident when you sing
You: really
Marcus: yes you do
You were abouts to say somthing when aurelia knocked on the door.
Aurelia: hey do you two want to come to the academy with us so you can practice for teaching tomorrow
You&marcus: sure
You: I'm just gonna change quickly
Marcus left the room you got changed into you gym gear.

Aurelia: hey do you two want to come to the academy with us so you can practice for teaching tomorrowYou&marcus: sureYou: I'm just gonna change quickly Marcus left the room you got changed into you gym gear

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You put your hair up in a high ponytail you grab you phone and earphones and walk down stairs to see them all ready to go but Marcus is just no where.
Lucas: Marcus hurry up
Marcus: right just go on out to the car
Aurelia: ok pucci
Aurelia: Rachel will you please go up and say to him we are going on are you ok to get a lift with him
You: yeah that's fine
Aurelia: ok bye
You wave bye then go upstairs and knock on the door
Marcus: lucas I coming now
You:Lucas and the rest left but your mum told me to come get you and you have to drive us down as they left
Marcus: ok and you can come in instead of standing in the door way
You: well we should get going now
Marcus: ok you ready
You: yeah
We got to the dobre gym and went inside once you talked for a bit everyone started to mess around you put in your music and started to do backflips and back hand springs
Marcus: damm not even I can do that
Lucas: yeah same bro
You look up and see everyone looking at what your doing.
You: did I do something wrong
Aurelia: no your amazing the kids will love you
Marcus: like I do (he said this really low but because you were standing next to him you heard)
You: I hope they do too
After awhile of messing around we also filmed a video this would be the first time the dobre army would see you. It was time to go you got in the car with Marcus you had decided to ask him about what he said...

Sorry guys this is going to be a cliff hanger and I will be posting one later ❤❤

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