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Chapter 01;🌸

*Nashs' POV*

We where all sitting in the lounge area after magcon New Jersey.

"The crowd was amazing."

"Some pretty hot girls."

"The only word a girl should be called is beautiful."

"Cam I can't believe you did the dance!"

"Jack and Jack you guys did great."

"Jacob you sounded great."


"Nash and Cameron, Bart needs you." one of the security guards said.

"Oh okay. Tell him we're coming." Cam said getting up.

I got up along with Cam. It wasn't weird that Bart wanted to talk us. I mean he was apart of the magcon family. It was probably just about the next meet and greet or time off.

We were lead to the room by one of our security guards. Even though magcon was over they never let any of us walk alone because of the fans. Which is really weird I mean it's not like they're gonna kidnap us and how much trouble could a girl do?

As we neared the door the security guard knocked and walked in.

"I have Nash and Cameron here."

"Oh thanks. Boys take a seat." Bart said smiling.

"So what did you need us for?" Cam asked.

"Let's get straight to the point shall we." Bart said.

"We shall." Cam said.

"I need you to adopt a kid."


But I'm still a kid.

"Bart are you crazy?" Cameron said "we can barely take care of ourselves let alone a child!"

"Yeah I agree with that." I said " I mean my mom still makes my lunch."

Bart rolled his eyes " You guys are missing the point. By adopting a kid you're getting even more famous because of the publicity."

"But Bart." Cameron and I said at the same time.

"Guys, you always said you wanted to become stars." he said looking between the both of us. "Here's your chance."

We both looked down , then at each other and nodded.

"We'll do it." We both said.

"Great!" he said clapping his hands together " I'll send you to the orphanage tomorrow to pick out the kid."

He began working on paper work again as we were escorted out the room and to the lounge.

"What was that about?" Matt asked

"Probably about where the next meet and greet will be." Aaron said.

"Or when we'll get time off." Sam said.

"He wants us to adopt a kid." Cam blurted out.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Guys this isn't a joke." I said rolling my eyes.

"So let me get this straight. Bart told two of the most immature ones in the the group, To adopt a kid." Dillon said laughing.

"We're not idiots you guys." Taylor said laughing.

"It's not a joke." Cam said getting irritated.

"Oh but yes it is." Shawn said.

"Guess we'll just see tomorrow then." I said walking out and up the stairs to my room that I shared with Cameron.

adopted by magcon. | c.d : n.gWhere stories live. Discover now