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Monday morning, another day. Ordinary day. Class started normally; warmups, lessons, reading and turning in work. But after all these things with Sherwin and Johnathan, the English teacher, miss Price said you can talk quietly or read. But before they could get to those two things each are gonna do, Sherwin and Johnathan stares at each other, they're scared of what others would think.

Not caring of what other think, Johnathan stood up from his desk, pick up his stuff and walks to an empty desk in front of Sherwin. When the red hair boy saw Johnathan just sits in front of him, he smiles nervously and so does Johnathan. Who giving him a charming smile.



"How's your sleep?"

"Good." Sherwin reply as Johnathan take a seat.

"Anyway, that's quite a 'meeting' during that day." Jonathan stutters and scratch the back of his neck.

"Huh?" Then the ginger remembers. "Oh yeah that... Sorry my heart couldn't control itself and that happen to a lot of people." He blush and look away.

"No no it's okay. Besides when we made up, my heart begins to beat lovingly." Johnathan admits.

Sherwin looks back to Johnathan seeing the gentle blue eye color boy giving him a smile. Sherwin smiles back and felt his heart fluttering, gazing at Johnathan. Everything around the ginger became a blur. But Johnathan, sitting across from him, remained the same. He couldn't fight the hint of small blush, colored in his cheeks. He put his left elbow on the table and holds the side of his face in his hand, still witnessing the incredibly gorgeous boy. John folded his hands on the table and looked straight on at Sherwin.

Sherwins' eyes glittered and felt his heart racing. He looked into Johnny's light blue eyes.

During staring at each other, the bell rings and interrupts the moment the boys enjoy. They both groan as they pick up their stuff, take one last look at each other and leave the classroom, spending the while school day in separation.


During gym class, certain student is there for cheerleading practice and she's focused on Johnathan then what her coach is speaking. And that's the schools' popular girl Nadia. She's and Italian girl with a high ponytail with a yellow bow and brown eyes. She's the shadow staring at Johnathan and Sherwin that day at the park.


Coach Martinez calls out Nadias' name to get her attention away from Sherwins' lover. "I don't appreciate that you're not paying attention to the lesson. Do you want to have a broken bone during the pep rally?"

"No ma'am. Sorry."

So the female coach continue to teach the girls about flip stunts as Nadia continue to stare at Johnathan throughout the whole period with the corner of her eye.


"You and Johnathan are meant for each other."

"Yeah and not with that redhead heart attack freak."

Nadia is talking to her two guy friends; the blond guy is name Thomas, and the other guy who looks like Johnathan is name Frank.

"Thanks guys but before me and Johnny get together, we need to do something about Sherwin."

"I think, I have an idea..." Thomas said and smirked evilly.

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