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Johnathon chase Sherwin down from the school, to the park, to the forest. Then Sherwin lost his breath, turns around to see if he's there behind him and yeah. Sherwin begin to yell once more.

"You kissed her! I saw you! I swear to god!"

"She came on to me! She means NOTHING to me!"

"You enjoyed the moment! You were holding her close! You were-!"

"I just told you! She means nothing, yeah I did enjoy at the time and I was thinking about you and-!"

"That's no excuse! And do I have to repeat myself?! It's over! And when I mean it's over, our relationship is no more! Don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't even think about me!" Sherwin push Johnathan out of his way and runs away leaving the handsome boy alone.

Johnathan stood there... In shock... His breathing become uneasy... He fall on the ground on his knees... Punch the dirty ground with his fists and begin to cry silently. The sunny sky is beginning to be cover up with dark clouds, and it begins to rain.

"I'm so sorry Sherry..."


Sherwin is at home, in his bed. He had his face buryed in his pillow, trying not to let his parents hear his cries. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Sherwin sits up from the bed, wipes his face and answers.

"C-come in!"

The door opens and there's Sherwins' parents.

"Honey are you okay? Cause we've been hearing you crying for about 30 minutes." The gorgeous blond mother worries for her redhead son.with

"Is there something wrong? We know there is because when you cry for a long time, there's something wrong." Sherwins' father recalls as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna ask you again son, what happened?"

Sherwin take a breath and speaks up. "I had a fight with someone I'm close with. There's an inccadent and we had fight. So our-...  Friendship is done."

That's a lie. Sherwin was talking about the relationship he was in and instead of saying relationship, he replaced it with friendship.

"Well... Who's this 'friend'? I mean what happened?" Mom wonders.

"Well... My friends' name is Johnathan. We were really close like I said. We stick up for each other, right for each other, help each other with our school and homework. You know, we've been friends a few weeks after school started." Sherwin bow his head down in shame after he finish. It's true of what stuff he do with Johnathan and they know each other a few weeks after school begins. But it's not true that Sherwin and Johnathan are friends. They're lovers.

"Well okay, dinners ready so please come after you think for five minutes." Mon says as she leaves the room with dad. The room is filled with darkness and the sound of the rain from a window nearby.

Sherwin sigh, he thinks about him. He begins right thinks about his ex boyfriend. Johnathan.


Johnathan lays in his bed, thinking about Sherwin. His laugh, his smile, the way he moves, the way he thinks, everything Johnathan likes about Sherwin.

"Please Sherwin. Forgive me."

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