Got my mind set on you

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Lost Without You Chapter 2, a bones fanfic | FanFiction


While Booth was driving Brennan to the crime scene he was wondering as to why Bones didn't answer his question about how her father was doing in prison, since he did get her special visits and the fact that he was the one who arrested him. So Booth had the right to at least know what Brennan was feeling from that time.

"So Bones how is your father?"

Bones wasn't in the mood to talk to Booth about her visit with her father and anyways she had more important things on her mind to worry about like this case for instance.

So she told Booth "Booth if you don't mind I would really like to focus on this case or please let just talk something else."

"Ok Bones, then why don't you change the subject, what it is that you would like to talk about because from the look on your face you have something you want to tell me so what is it" Booth tells Bones.

Brennan was not sure whether this was the right time to tell Booth what she was thinking because this could change everything for them. Booth became very concern for his partner because he could tell something big was bothering her. He was wondering how big it could be so he kept asking Brennan

"Bones are you ok?"

Brennan decided that this was defiantly the right time to tell him about her secrete plans but when she had figured out the words she said to herself I will tell him but for now she lied as she replied

"I'm fine Booth the only subject I want to talk about is the case at hand, but there is something important I need to tell you Later Booth and it is really important okay"

Booth didn't like the sound of Brennan's voice as he heard those words and it sounded very serious. He was going to ask what is so important that she needed to tell him, but he had seen that look on Brennan before and knew that she wasn't ready to talk about it yet. So let's go as he told Brennan

"Sure Bones whatever you need to say, we can talk about it after but it is becoming to intense in the SUV let's loosen things up a bit by turning on the radio."

Bones didn't mind so Booth turned on the radio skimming thought the radio channels to see if there was a good song to sing to. Then Booth finally found the song it was just starting to play it was called "I've Got my Mind set on You." by George Harrison which Booth sang along"

I've Got my Mind set on You, I've Got my Mind set on You"

Booth then turns to Bones and urges her to sing with him Bones was not in the mood to sing she replied

"Sorry Booth, but I am in no mood to sing karaoke,"

Booth said "Oh come Bones it is fun to sing along." Booth singing while banging his hand lightly like drum on the wheel "It's gonna take money, A whole lot of spending money, it 's gonna take plenty of money to do it right , child"

Booth yells "Come Bones" Bones ignoring as she watched him sing the next line "It' s gonna take time, A whole lot of precious time, It's gonna take patience and time to do to it right."

Then Brennan knew Booth wouldn't annoy her if she sang with him. She thought what the heck I might as join him then she began to sing in a low voice without letting Booth know

"I've got my mind set on you I've got my mind set on you."

Booth surprised but yet happy to sing with her and have fun. He was happy to see that she was smiling and having fun as much as he was. He said

"There you go, sing it Bones!"Bones continued to sing

"This is the time I know it's real, this feeling that I feel, I know if I put my mind to it I know that I can do it."

Then together they sang as they stared at each other face to face "I've got my mind set on you, I've got my mind set on you, Set on you"

Booth then sang "It's gonna take money, A whole lot of spending money, it 's gonna take plenty of money to do it right, child"

Then Booth told Bones "Your turn Bones"

Then Bones sang the best she could "It' s gonna take time, A whole of precious time, It's gonna take patience and time to do to it right."

Then Bones said while having a great and smiling at Booth she told him "You are right Booth this is fun." "Good now lets finished this song"

Then they finished the song while they drove their way to the crime scene.

Bones and booth- lost without youWhere stories live. Discover now