What now?

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Lost Without You Chapter 19, a bones fanfic | FanFiction

B/B Fanfic "Lost Without You"

Chapter 19: "What Now?"

This the last chapter epilogue coming soon. I just to thank all of you here for the reviews and big fans to flimandgeekproud (emily) for being my beta.

Enjoy :)

Booth was making his way back to his and Bones' hospital room he stopped at the door and he began to think of Sully and his Bones making out right there in the hospital room, while making fun of him behind his back. That would be a nightmare and it was just plain crazy of him to be thinking about it, but he couldn't help but think that. Booth wanted to try and stay happy for Bones, but something inside him just wanted to kick Sully's ass out of the room, but there was no way Bones would allow it. So he took a deep breath and wheeled into the room, he was surprised, not only to see no sign of Sully but just to see his bones sleeping, peacefully and happily in her hospital bed. Booth wheeled in for a closer look, he just watched her for a moment, he could she was dreaming and it must have been a nice one as she was smiling from ear to ear. He was wondering what she was dreaming about, hoping to get some murmurs of a name or anything to give him some clue as to what his Bones was dreaming about, but unfortunately Brennan woke up without murmuring a word.

Brennan opened her eyes to see Booth starring at her. Booth was acting as if he had done nothing wrong, he smiled, deciding to play it cool.

"Drifting off to dreamland I see."

Brennan decided to feign innocence "I have no idea, what you are talking about; I just shut my eyes for a bit."

"Sure you were Bones." He handed her the herbal tea, "Here is your tea." Booth said.

Bones was sitting back and she grabbed her tea from his hand, "Thank you, Booth."

Booth sighed as he looked around the room, "So, where is Sully?"

"Oh he left." Bones quickly mentioned as she took a sip of her tea.

"What do you mean he left, left like as in to go to bathroom?" Booth asked

"No, I mean left, like to go back to Peru." Bones replied,

"Why, that son of a... him leaving you the first time, he got away with it, well not this time, I swear Bones if I ever see again, I will kick ass all the way back to Peru." Booth yelled.

Brennan was laughing at Booth's manly ego; Booth was not sure why Bones was laughing he didn't think this was funny at all. She just got her heartbroken again by the same guy who left 6 months ago. Something defiantly wasn't right.

"Bones! What is wrong with you, why are you laughing, I don't think it's funny at all, Sully just broke your heart again."

Bones was trying to calm down her laugher as she assured Booth, "Booth, Sully didn't break my heart, actually think I broke his."

Booth was surprised, "Wait, you mean to tell me you broke up with him."

"Yes" Bones said plainly as she took another sip of her tea.

"Really, Why?" Booth asked.

"Well, Booth even though it is none of your business..."

"Bones, this is my business, I'm your Partner."

"I know that Booth, that is why I'm going to tell you." Bones said,

"Good, so what happened?" Booth said

"That's just it, nothing happened, we have been apart for too long, we both wanted different things, and plus, so many things have changed since he left so I thought that is was best and we went our separate ways."

"What changed?" Booth asked,

"What?" Brennan said,

"You mentioned changes, what changed?" Booth asked again.

"Well, a lot. Uh...work for example, it has become more demanding for me, and I love my work, I can't give that up for a man. And there is uh..." she was about to say "you", but didn't because she was afraid as to what he might think.

Booth was hoping she would say that there was him, but when Bones was hesitant he knew that she may need some help.

"There is what?"

Brennan took a deep breath "Well, there is you and me."

"What about us?" Booth asked,

"You know Booth." Brennan said

"No, I don't "Booth lied

"Yes, you do "Brennan yelled as she got closer to his face.

"Bones, I really have no idea what you are talking about." as he yelled he wheeled himself closer to her.

"Really, then I guess I'll just have to show you."

Then out of the blue Brennan pulled Booth into a passionate kiss and this wasn't the kind of kiss that you would give to your brother. This kiss was so much more than that. It lifted Booth out of his wheelchair. Then after the kiss, Brennan put Booth gently back down into his chair still staring into each other eyes smiling. Brennan could see smears of lipstick on his lips and she was trying to wipe off the lipstick with her thumb. Booth was still in a daze, he couldn't believe what just happened.

"Booth, I've never believed in faith, destiny and true love, but you helped me believe in you, and me and what we have is so special booth, we complement each other, we're made for each other, and I love you."

"I don't know what to say Bones."

"You could say that you love me too, that would be a good start."

"Of course I love you too Bones." He gave her a soft kiss on the lips then he asked, "So What Now?"

"Well, I was hoping could you try to lay with me on this hospital bed, but I am asking for too much?"

Booth grabbed her hand as he told her, "Bones, you can never ask for too much, now I might I need your help though."

So with all of Booth's strength and some help from his Bones, Booth was able to lay along beside his Bones. After finally making it up on to Bones' bed, Brennan nudged up against. Booth and he kissed her on her forehead as he whispered to her,

"Now we can both head off to dreamland"

Without saying a word both Brennan and Booth closed their eyes and they headed to their own special dreamland where neither of them would be lost without each other.

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