Chapter 7

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Carl's Point of View

What is her answer?

After a minute she burst out laughing. What in the world is with this girl?

"Of course, silly! I will be your prom date." I held my arms for her and she quickly hugged me.

I smile at the fact that the prom tomorrow will be fun. The bell rings and Claire and I have to go to our classes and we say our goodbyes to each other and went to our class.

I saw Anisa sitting alone at the back. I slowly sat down beside her but didn't even bother to say hi nor talk to her.

It would be awkward if we will talk to each other after what happened yesterday. I can feel Anisa's eyes on me but I grab my phone and started texting Claire.

I don't know if Anisa saw that I am texting Claire but why do I even bother? She doesn't need to know it and she doesn't have the rights to stop me because Claire is also my friend.

I can feel Anisa's eyes on my phone so I quickly put my phone inside my pocket then our teacher went inside the room. I heard Anisa sighed but I just focused on the class.


After my classes I went to the park again to meet Claire and that's the time I saw Anisa. When she caught me staring at her she blushed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you're going home?" I ask.

"I... um... yeah I'll be going home but I just need some time to relax here." She said as she sat down on the bench across the bench I was sitting on.

Finally Claire showed up then she sat down beside me. Anisa looks at me confused but I didn't care about it anymore.

"How was class?" I ask and closing my eyes to relax.

"My classes are fine. How 'bout yours?" I heard she said.

"Great..." I replied.

I opened my eyes and saw that Anisa was gone. The bench was empty. I shrugged my shoulder and scratch my head.

"About the prom.." Claire started.

"What about it?"

"I have no dress to wear." She said awkwardly and then I heard her laugh.

"Don't worry about the dress you'll wear. I'll be the one to buy your dress." I said but then she slapped me.

"What was that for?!" I asked.

"Are you crazy?! I'll go find a dress on my own. Don't buy a dress or else... I'll seriously punch you." Luke showed up then sat down beside me.

"Luke! Can I borrow your sister's dress? The white one or the blue?" Claire asks.

Luke just raised an eyebrow.

"Are you a girl Claire? Why don't you have any dresses at your house?" Luke asks confused.

"I'm not rich to buy dresses plus not all girls needs dresses inside their closets!" Claire shot back.

"And I need a gown not a dress."

"What's the difference?" Luke asks.

"No need to know it." Claire said.

"Don't worry, I'll ask my sister later." Luke said to her and Claire smile as she crossed her arms.

So? I won't buy you a dress anymore?" I ask her. She shook her head then I rolled my eyes while smiling.


I caught Anisa looking at my room but then she closed the window. What's wrong with her? I think I need to talk to her. I feel like she's in pain or suffering about something. Did someone hurt her? Is she depressed? I have to find out.

"Mom! I'll be visiting Anisa! I'll be back later!" I yelled and opened the soor ans run to Anisa's house.

"Okay, Carl! It's going to be okay. Just talk to her and you'll be fine. Simple as that." I said to myself but before I knock on the door Anisa's Mom opened the door.

"Oh! Hi Carl! Are you looking for Anisa?" I nod my head and her mom patted my back.

"I'm sorry Carl but Anisa's not feeling well. Maybe tomorrow you'll be able to visit her. I'm so sorry. She won't let me and her Dad go inside her room as well." I sigh and just flashed a smile at her Mom.

"Okay ma'am. I'll be going now. I hope she gets well soon." Her Mom smile and thanked me for visiting them and closed the door.

"So, have you talked to Anisa?" My Mom asks after I closed the door.

"Mom she's not feeling well. I hope she'll be able to go to the prom tomorrow." I said.

"Don't worry she'll be fine." My Mom said cheering me up.

Why do I feel nervous? Is it because she's not feeling well? Or my feelings are driving me crazy? This is so confusing!

"Where's Clarisse?" I asked my Mom.

"She's sleeping. Tired as you." I slowly nod my head and went to my room again.

Her window is still close. I hope that she'll open it later so I can talk to her. She wasn't also replying to my messages.

I scratched my head because of annoyance then laid on my bed. Anisa why do I feel like this? Why are you involve in my problem? Why are you sick? Why aren't you talking to me?

"Carl! Anisa's Mom gave this letter for you." My Mom said as she opened the door.

She gave the letter that was written by Anisa then I opened the letter. My Mom left the room so I am completely alone.

Dear Carl,

Hi to my best friend again. I hope you're having a nice day. This letter was written today when we got into a disagreement. I'm sorry for not being your prom date. I wish I could go with you but Tyron asked me first. I hope you would talk to me soon. I really miss you Carl. I also want to say something to you since we've met and now I had the courage to tell it to you. Meet me tomorrow at the park before the prom. See you there!

Your Friend,

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