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"Why wasn't I told that I was going to be the prince's guard," I said. "You didn't know? They were supposed to tell you," Allura said confused. "Terry said that he didn't know we were coming so early to get Keith," Shiro said nodding his head. Who's terry? "Well that's not a surprise, anyway we should get going to the castle before it gets to late," Allura said. "Finally, we get to go home and now I have a personal guard!!!" Lance screamed happily. Awe that was cute. Wait NO BAD KEITH. Everyone starts leaving the room so I follow and hold on tighter to my suit case, well her goes nothing. They make it to the two ships...wait two? "Ok Lance Keith get in the ship that's purple and me and shiro will be following you in a little I still have business to attend to," Allura said. "Ok yay I get Keith to myself!!" I blushed. We get on the ship and Lance says bye to Allura and Keith and guards take us to our room so that we can relax. As I sit down Lance sits on my lap. Fuck. "Soooo Keith how do you feel about being my personal guard?" Lance said smirking at the blush on my face. "Well right now I think we're to personal so can you get off me please?" I asked him." Naaaah I'm good here." He said. Fine two can play at this game. I wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He starts blushing awe that's cute. He doesn't say anything until someone opens the door. "Prince Lance?" Some guard said. "Yes what do you want?" Lance spoke but didn't move. "Umm your father just asked us to give your new guard his armor. He said as he brought in a stand off armor it was black and purple and the helmet have a K in the side of it. "Ok just put it over there and leave." Lance commanded. "Yes sir." The guard said as he did what he was told and left. "Ugh that guard ruined our moment Lance said as he turned fully around to face me. He was still blushing. I was confused why didn't they just give me my armor when we get there? "Umm Lance?" "Hmmm?" "Why do I have to put on my new armor in the ship why not at the palace," I asked still very confused. "Oh yah forgot to tell you you will be guarding me today at a party to celebrate my personal guard and to welcome you we held one when Shiro came to guard Allura," Lance said smiling. I was silent, yay more people to enter act with.....yaaay. Lance hugged me while sitting on my lap and didn't let go after a couple minutes so I just didn't care. His white hair was in my face that the only thing that bothered me. "Hey Keith?" Lance finally said something. "Yes?" "...are you gay?" What?!?!? "I'm just asking I'm not trying to be offended but I kinda wanted to know. "I umm...I never really hade an attraction to anyone so I don't know," I said still very confused. "Oh...," Lance looked sad. I didn't know what else to do so I just hugged him. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned. "Yah I just wanted to find someone that was you know so I could relate to them..." wait he's gay? "So your you know gay? "Yah..." Lance said still looking sad. "Hey Lance can you look at me?" He did his eyes were watering. "Hey like I said Idk yet so maybe you can help me find out if I like girls or guys while I'm living with you." Lance brightened up. "I would love to help you." I smiled. "Ok then we'll help each other ok?" I questioned "ok!!" Lance said as he started jumping in place. The next thing I didn't suspect he kiss me on my check. I became a the color maroon. He of course smirked and said, "I won."

//wow ok longest chapter I've written and I love it!!! Anyway hope you guys love it to. (=^•w-^=) byyyeeee
   P.S. you don't have to listen to the song above it's very depressing. Sorry.💛💙💗//

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