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{After 5 Years}

"Lee Kanghwi ! Lee Haekyung! Stop messing with my ingredients!" Eunkyung said as her chidren played with the vegetable.

"Kanghwi-ya , Haekyung-ah , you two disturbing your mother again?" Hui who just come asked.

"Mom don't want to play with us." Kanghwi said.

"Honey! Please help me! I need to cook. There's only 2 hours left before they come over." Eunkyung said.

"Okay okay. Kanghwi-ah , Haekyung-ah , do you want to play with me?" Hui asked.

"Okay!" Haekyung said.

Three of them go to the living room. Finally, Eunkyung can cook peacefully.

'Ding-dong~' The bell rang.

"Honey! Please open the door!" Eunkyung said from the kitchen.

"Alright." Hui said and open the door.

"Where is my Kanghwi and Eunkyung?" Jinho asked as the door open.

"Dad Jinho!!" Haekyung said and hug Jinho.

"Oh my Haekyung." Jinho said and lift her.

"Dad Jinho, do you have any gifts for us?" Kanghwi asked.

"Of course!" Jinho said and give the paper bag.

"Jinho-ah , I've said that shouldn't buy anything for them." Hui said.

"No it's okay , they're just like my children." Jinho said.

"I'm so thankful." Hui said.

"Of course you should. I'll see Eunkyung for a minute." Jinho said and walk to the kitchen.

"Jo Eunkyung." Jinho said.

"Oh hi." Eunkyung said.

"Are you sure you can cook?" Jinho said.

"Of course! I'm a pro now!" Eunkyung said.

"I will help you." Jinho said and reach for an apron.

"No need. Go and play with the twin." Eunkyung said.

"Let me do it okay?" Jinho said.

"You're weird , do you have something to say?" Eunkyung said and focus to her cooking.

"Honestly yes." He said.

"What is it?" Eunkyung asked.

"I have a girlfriend." Jinho said.

"What really? How did you met her?" Eunkyung asked.

"It's the same like how I met Jaeyeon. I've decided to bury my memories with Jaeyeon deep in my heart and start a new life." Jinho said.

"I'm glad that you've move on." Eunkyung said and smiled.

"Changgu and Seyeon are arrived!" Hui said.

"Okay!" Eunkyung said from the kitchen.

"Eunkyung-ah!" Changgu greeted.

"Hi." Eunkyung said.

"Unnie thanks for inviting me." Seyeon said.

"Of course you should be here , you're Changgu's girlfriend." Eunkyung said.

"Saying about that , when will you guys get marry?" Jinho asked.

"Jinho-ya , I come here to give the invitation card." Changgu said.

"Ah really? Congratulations!" Jinho said.

"Thank you." Changgu said.

"You better take care of Seyeon , she's like my sister in law." Jinho said.

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