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Willow's POV

The house next to mine has been sold. It's been empty since the incident. It used to be her house, but when it happened her family moved away. I can't blame them though, who would want to live in that house after that happened.

I heard it was a family from from Korea who is moving in. They don't realize how much attention they are attracting to themselves with this. They are supposed to moving in today. From the gossip I've heard in the halls the family is a mother, father, two daughters and a son. How they got this information beats me, but according to them the son is in our grade.

Since it's a Saturday and we don't have school there is no reason for me to stay at home when the weather is perfect for going to The Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is a place her and I used to go to everyday after school. It is an old house over by the lake that nobody lives in, so we decided to make it our own. It is filled with beanbag chairs, fairy lights and a bunch of other stuff we stole from our houses.

I quickly get dressed in some army green overalls, a black shirt and some high top Vans. I run downstairs with my phones and headphones before walking into the kitchen where my mom and older brother were.

"I'm going out." I say.

My mom doesn't look at me, she just keeps chopping away at the vegetables. My brother sighs and looks up from his computer.

"Be careful and don't come back too late." He says trying to smile.

Ever since my father was taken away Mom doesn't talk to anyone. Quite honestly she is hardly a mother at all, my brother has been the one looking after everyone since then. I nod before grabbing my sunglasses before putting in my headphones and walking out the door.

It's late in the afternoon at this point, so it is nice and sunny. As I was walking out of the house I see moving trucks and people carrying in boxes. Great. I decide on a playlist and put on my sunglasses while trying to avoid looking at anyone, but I can feel a pair of eyes on me.

I continue walking down the street towards the park and the lake whilst feeling the stares of everyone in town. Like I said I'm used to this now. As I walk into the park you can see mothers pulling their children in the opposite direction. This is how it is everywhere I go. I make it over to the lake and make my way to the house.

Nobody has dared to come anywhere close to the house because they know that I come here and because they think I've "cursed" it. Not that I mind because that just means I get it all to myself.

I quickly plop down on a beanbag towards the middle of the living room and take out my headphones before continuing to listen to music. No matter how many times I come in here it doesn't seem like she is gone. The pictures of us hang on the wall and lay in pictures frames. Her guitar that she adored sits against the wall in the corner. I sigh before getting up and moving to sit on the porch. You can see people on the other side of the lake playing in the water and laying out in the sun. I grabbed a book on my way out so to pass time I decide to read it.

After what seems like an eternity it starts to get dark so I walk back inside and grab my things before making my way away from the lake and out of the park. On my way home, I stop at a convenient store and grab a popsicle. The house next door's lights are on, so I'm guessing they got settled in alright.

I open the door to my house and immediately I can see the lights off in the kitchen which means that mom is in her room for the rest of the night. I sigh before setting my things down on the dining room table and turn the lights on in the kitchen to make myself some water.

"Did you go to the clubhouse again?" My brother says behind me which makes me jump spilling water all over the floor.

"Jeez, Chan don't do that." I say setting down the cup so I can clean up the water.

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