Chapter 5

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Dinner was delicious. The steaks were grilled to perfection and the potatoes and Caesar salad tasted great. Everyone complimented Evan on his culinary skills and he soaked up their praise like a sponge.

The conversation was boisterous and entertaining. Grace felt included even though she was quieter than everyone else. It seemed like there was a long history between the friends. They had traveled together, played golf and went to movies together. Grace saw a side of Evan that was very appealing. He had a natural charisma that seemed to relax everyone around him.

Grace ate so much she thought she was going to burst. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun.

"Please let me help do the dishes," Grace pleaded when Evan stood up and started gathering the empty plates.

"It's no big deal. I was going to do them later," Evan replied, stacking the plates.

"I have to move around or I'm going to fall asleep," Grace said, rubbing her tummy.

Evan chuckled.

"We can't let that happen," he said jovially. "Follow me."

Grace took some of the dishes and followed Evan into the kitchen. They chatted amiably while they loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.

Kim came into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out a tray piled high with chocolate mousse crepes.

"I hope you saved room for dessert," Kim said playfully, walking outside with the tray.

Grace groaned.

"I guess I should have warned you that Kim always brings awesome desserts," Evan said, laughing when he saw the look on her face.

"No woman can say no to chocolate," Grace replied ruefully.

"That should be a law somewhere," Evan said, smiling.

Evan grabbed some dessert plates and forks and they went back out to the patio.

Everyone lingered over dessert. It was so decadent that it had to be eaten slowly.

"Perry, your wife is a chocolate-making goddess," Mike said appreciatively.

"She's mine, all mine," Perry said possessively, making everybody laugh.

"You could go into business with these," Judy suggested. "You'd make a killing."

"No thanks," Kim replied offhandedly. "Perry keeps me busy enough."

Perry pretended to be offended.

"Who, me?" he questioned. "I'm the lowest maintenance guy you'll ever meet."

"Yeah, right," Kim scoffed. "Between you and the dog, I never get a moment's peace."

"Thank God your kids have moved out, otherwise your life would be total chaos," Judy added.

"You got that right, sister," Kim replied, draining her wine glass.

Grace missed the chaos of her old life. She had been busy taking her daughter to dance classes and her son to hockey games. She never regretted it, though. She always enjoyed watching her kids do their activities. She would give anything to watch her daughter dance one last time.

"How is Sadie doing?" Mike asked Evan.

"She's great," Evan replied. "She's busy with school. I might go visit her in Vancouver next weekend."

"That's great!" Mike said. "How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"About eight months," Evan answered.

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