Chapter 6

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When Grace woke up the next morning, she didn't immediately start crying. That was a first. And she was able to get out of bed without too much wallowing. For some strange reason she felt like doing something productive, like clean her house. She'd never been the best housekeeper, but she suddenly felt a compulsion to tidy up her living area. For once she stayed out of her kids' bedrooms.

She was just finishing washing her floors when her phone rang. It was Evan.

"How are you today?" he asked, after she greeted him.

"I'm good," she replied.

"Really?" he said, sounding surprised. "That's awesome."

Evan asked her if she would go horseback riding with him.

"Uh, I've never done that," she said tentatively.

"Neither have I. Do you want to try it?" Evan asked hopefully.

"Sure," she answered. "Why not?"

Evan said he would pick her up in an hour. She gave him her address and they hung up.

Grace had a quick shower and got ready. She put on some jeans and a light sweater. She was nervous about riding a horse; what if she fell off?

Evan picked her up right on time. She liked that he was always punctual.

Grace giggled when she saw Evan's car. It was a small black BMW convertible.

"What's so funny?" he asked, puzzled.

"Your car," Grace answered. "It's like a midlife crisis car or something."

"It's sporty," Evan replied haughtily.

Grace giggled again when she got inside. It was definitely smaller than her Civic. It seemed too dainty for Evan.

"Seriously? You're laughing at my car," Evan said, sounding offended.

"It's cozy," Grace said, trying to placate him.

"It's fast," Evan said defensively as he backed out of her driveway.

"I don't doubt that," Grace replied.

They drove for a while in silence. Grace hoped she hadn't offended Even too much by laughing at his car. She couldn't help herself.

"You seem happy this morning," Evan said suddenly. "I'm glad you were willing to leave the house today."

Grace looked out the window.

"I didn't feel like wallowing as much as I usually do," she said softly.

"That's a step in the right direction," Evan said optimistically.

Grace had come a long way since she had first lost her family. The first six months had been the most difficult. She hadn't even wanted to leave the house to go to work, but she had done it. She doubted herself most of the time, but she was still able to function. Did that make her a bad person? She often wondered about it.

They chatted about the weather and politics as Evan drove to the stables. It took them about forty minutes to get there.

Evan parked the car and they got out. They walked toward the stables. A man came outside and met them.

"Hi, I'm Sam," he said jovially, shaking Evan's hand.

"I'm Evan and this is Grace," Evan said, nodding toward her.

"Howdy," Sam said, smiling at Grace.

"Nice to meet you," Grace said, smiling back.

Sam had two horses saddled and ready to go.

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