Let's go

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"(Y/N) nice to see you... alright babe how you doin'... This is stupid why the heck's she with an idiot like you?" Eggsy sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Eggsy, (Y/N)'s here." The sound of his Mum broke Eggsy out of his worried fussing and he hurried out to the living room to hurry you away before Gary or Rottweiler could corner you.

"Let's go." Eggsy muttered and pulled you out of the flat, taking your hand and jogging down the stairs with you. Some of Rottweiler's mate hooted at you and you had to hurry between Eggsy and the group as they cackled at him.

"Eggsy come on!" You sighed and he glanced at you before reluctantly throwing an arm over your shoulders.

"He does my head in, wish he'd just fuck off." Eggsy grumbled as he took a few steps in front of you and opened the pubs door, bowing dramatically as you passed, grinning when you laughed at him and wrapped his arms around your waist as he walked you towards the usual table.

"Eggsy, (Y/N), how's it going?" Ryan greeted you while Jamal went to the bar to get more drinks.

"Alright." Eggsy chuckled and slumped into one of the chairs, taking your hand in his and testing it on his leg as he started talking with the others.

After a few hours, Rottweiler and his group of friends filed into the bar and the atmosphere became awkward. When they started staring at you Eggsy rolled his eyes and lent over, kissing you gently, glancing over at Rottweiler with a smirk.

"Oh great, here he comes." Jamal sighed and they started to stand up as Rottweiler lent on the table.

"(Y/N) been thinking that you and me should go for a drive, ditch these pricks and 'ave a littl' fun." He muttered and Eggsy shot to his feet, forcing Rottweiler away from you as he squared up to him.

"Eggsy lets just go somewhere else." You sighed.

"Go home Babe, I'll come round later." Eggsy said without looking at you.


You were lay on your bed watching movies on your laptop when someone tapped at your window. When you sat up and held your blind out of the way you smile and saw Eggsy holding onto the window ledge.

"Get in here before you fall you idiot." You chuckled and helped him in. "What're you doing here!"

"I told you I'd come back later." Eggsy muttered and you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, I figured you'd come like, before midnight." You moved so he could sit next to you and lean against the wall, tucking you under his arm as you leant into him and started the film. "Eggsy what the fuck happened to your face."

You glanced up to see a bruise forming on his jaw and one on the side of his neck. He shrugged and tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal.

"Just had to deal with that ass." Eggsy grumbled and you rolled your eyes as you lent up and gently kissed his cheek.

"You know you should just ignore him." You sighed and lent into him.

"Nah, nah, nah... not when he talks to my girl like that." He sighed and sank down into your bed.

Eggsy Unwin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now