Rescue Mission

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Eggsy smiled as you made a quiet noise in your sleep. It was the first night he'd slept at home for weeks and he'd fallen asleep on the sofa with you on his chest. He was all too aware that in a matter of hours Roxy would be calling and Merlin would jet them both off to where ever they were needed.

"Eggsy?" You hummed as your eyes opened sleepily and you smiled brightly.

"You are very beautiful." He sighed and moved you higher up his chest so he could kiss you.

"And you are very handsome." You giggled as he grinned and covered you with kisses.

"I know I am, I look better in a suit." He winked and carried you into the kitchen where he set you down and started rummaging through the cupboards.

"Well you are a tailor so I don't think it counts." You said as he yanked open the fridge.

"Maybe that wasn't the kind of suit I was talking about." He chuckled when you let out a quiet giggle, unable to stop yourself when he pulled a face.

For a while you were taken in by your shirtless boyfriend dancing around JB who skittered around his feet in an attempt to catch any food Eggsy dropped. It was nice, for once, to have him home.

"Eggsy, why'd you have to go away so often?" You asked quietly and he glanced up at you.

"Maybe me and Roxy are secret spies." He grinned and turned towards you.

"I was just asking." You rolled your eyes and scoffed at him.

"Well personally I think we should eat pancakes with JB and watch awful daytime TV." Eggsy quickly changed the subject but you didn't say anything about it.

"I'll get the syrup." You hummed happily.


He felt guilty sneaking out of the house while you slept. But he should have known he was lucky to spend all day with you. He'd gotten up and dressed silently as soon as he'd gotten Roxy's call, kissed your forehead and spent the last few seconds he had spare, memorizing your sleeping face.

"You know Galahad; this would be a lot easier if you weren't moping." Roxy sighed through her head piece.

"Yeah well you'd map to if you had someone waiting for you." Eggsy muttered back as he ducked a shot and fired back.

"Will you two stop and pay attention to what's going on!" Merlin sighed from his place in the headquarters. "Three have gotten out of the building you need to retrieve them."

"Lancelot go left." Roxy yelled and Eggsy just had enough time to roll out of the way.

"That was far too close." Eggsy sighed.


When you opened the door you'd expected Eggsy's mum but instead you found a tall looming man who had the hairs standing up at the back of your neck.

"I'm looking for a man named Galahad?" The man said and you shook your head while slowly closing the door.

"I'm sorry I don't know anyone called Galahad." You instead and tried to shut the door completely.

"We're looking for a man about this tall annoying cockney accent and has a little pug named JB?" the man said as he pushed the door open.

"You mean Eggsy?" You asked quietly and followed his gaze to the picture of you, Eggsy and Roxy on the wall.

"So you do know him." Was the last thing you heard before something pricked your neck.


"I hate goodbyes but I have a lovely Girlfriend waiting for me so, goodbye." Eggsy laughed as Roxy pulled up outside the small house the two of you shared.

"Eggsy?" Roxy muttered.

"I know; I know if I were you I'd hate to leave me to." Eggsy chuckled, his smile falling from his face when he spotted the front door.

Together they slowly headed into the house and cleared the entire building. Finding a rather upset and grumpy pug under the bed but you were gone. When he desperately sank down on the sofa and let his head fall into his hands the Tv switched its self on.

"I'll call Merlin!" Roxy gasped as soon as the screen focused and they could see you bound and gagged.


"Alright so we all know what we're doing?" Merlin asked quickly.

"I'm going in to get (Y/N), Roxy's staying out here to disable the manual alarms and you're going to help as much from the plane so we can make a quick getaway." Eggsy recited.

"I'll try and get in once the alarms are disabled so I can help." Roxy promised Eggsy who nodded appreciatively.

"Right well good luck to you both." Merlin muttered as they suited up and headed out of the plane.

Eggsy made his way through the building as quickly as he could. With Merlin's directions in his ear all he had to do was concentrate on not getting shot. As soon as he was told your room was directly in front of him he dove under the slowly closing metal doors and skidded to a halt in front of you.

"You're a spy!" You hissed as soon as he untied you and slapped him before bursting into tears and hugging onto him.

"I would love to talk this out but if we don't get out of here soon we won't get out at all." Eggsy muttered apologetically.

"What're you doing?" You asked when he pulled out a lighter which flicked red when he opened it.

"Stand over here." He muttered and protected you from the tiny bits of metal that flew towards you.

After a few minutes of running and being pushed along by Eggsy when you slowed down to much you found Roxy in the corridor and Eggsy suddenly grabbed onto you and turned you to face him.

"I love you but you need to get to the plane with Roxy, I'll be right behind you." He promised and gave you a rough kiss before nodding to Roxy.

"I'll let you know as soon as we're in." Roxy said quickly and pulled you along to run even more.

"Eggsy!" You yelped when shots started echoing around the halls.

"He'll be ok (Y/N)." Roxy insisted and helped you up into the plane.

"Hello you must be (Y/N), I'm Merlin we've spoken on the phone a few times." Merlin said as he shook your hand.

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name." You stuttered nervously and hurried to stare out of one of the windows.

After a few heart stopping moments Eggsy came hurtling around the corner and practically dived into the plane as he yelled for Merlin to start pulling away from a mass of armed men who were running after him.

"You're ok!" Eggsy sighed and sank down on the seat next to you so he could wrap you up in a hug.

"You're a spy." You whispered and he almost jumped back in case you slapped him again. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him.

"He couldn't, you're still not supposed to know now." Roxy explained for him.

"You know you still look beautiful... even if you were just rescued." Eggsy smiled and watched your face brighten as you tried not to share his expression.

"An you're very handsome in the suit." You mumbled and blushed when Roxy awed at you.

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