Chapter 5

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That day, the villagers of Swordhorn woke up and gathered at the Square without any news about the Wolf expedition.

Mount Grimdark looked as snowy and majestic as it always did, the snowstorm had passed and nobody could see climbers descending from the mountain despite using the best telescopes in town... everyone feared that the party had been destroyed by the Wolf, but they decided to wait a little longer before sending any rescuers.

Father Novembrus called a Church Service to explain about the dangers of the Purple Moon and its connection to the Wolf, and meanwhile, a very different and dangerous person was drawing closer to Swordhorn at last...

"Your Grace, we must be very close to the village by now" a man said, speaking to a mysterious hooded woman sitting to his right- "The weather is colder than I expected, but maybe it's because the storm just passed..."

"Thank you, Captain Killian" the woman's smooth voice replied, the hood covering her face- "Father Novembrus explained to me that the Wolf plaguing this village is the worst in a generation, a truly monstrous beast. We will need every bit of our expertise this time, but with the assistance of the Heavens, we shall emerge victorious once again..."

"Indeed, Your Grace."

The man featured a black coat as a protection against the cold, and he looked rugged, somehow wild and physically strong. The long, blond hair and blue eyes hinted that maybe he hailed from the Arctic Lands, and he commanded the two splendid white horses that were pulling the carriage.

Meanwhile, the woman remained hidden by her elegant purple cloak and hood and only her hands were visible, silver rings gleaming in many of her fingers...

The Wolfhunter looked up to enjoy the view of the beautiful mountains and the snowy forests around them, the sky was white and snowy and then she discovered something else that immediately drew her attention and curiosity:

"Oh, look!" she said, a little surprised- "The village's official welcoming sign..."

There was a large wooden sign standing beside the road, and even though it was partially covered by snow, they could read the violet letters clearly while the carriage passed beside it:

Welcome to Swordhorn

Elevation: Loads

Population: 3171... 3170

Days Without Wolf Fatalities: 1317... 2

All Sorrows are Less with Wine

"Yeah, this is the Wolf place alright!" the Captain commented with his harsh voice, and both of them laughed as their carriage, followed by at least twelve others, took a sharp turn of the road and finally drew closer to the infamous Village of the Wolf.

The Wolfhunter was not really sure what they would discover at Swordhorn, but she was eager to fight and save yet another village as part of her personal vengeance against those supernatural monsters...


Vallery attracted many more eyes than usual as she walked through the Swordhorn Square, her violet cloak rippling and whispering after her as she glided like a whisper... the cloak made a nice, clean contrast with her simple white dress, and she carried a wicker basket that was already full of deadly nightshade and dry wolfsbane.

The expensive cloak made her look like a noblewoman from the capital city, and other young women visiting the Square seemed to be very jealous of her.

"I don't believe what they are saying in the market" Vallery said, her grandmother walking beside her- "They are going to return, the Wolf cannot have killed them all..."

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