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eddie kaspbrak hated being a ghost.

the first day that he was a ghost, eddie woke up without any memory of who he was. he had a name, age, general knowledge; but nothing about his past life. he was scared.

he screamed for hours.

the house was creepy, dark and abandoned.

but it turned out that he wasn't the only ghost there. stanley, a tall curly headed boy had unceremonially told him to shut up only to find out how terrified the poor boy had been. the small brunette - eddie, his name was eddie - was shaking with heavy sobs. another boy, much younger than the two, peeked out behind stan, staring worryingly at him.

eddie went to grab the tall boy's arm to ask, beg, him for help. he clutched the boy's wrist before pulling away in shock, his pale hand now covered with red blood that dripped down to the carpeted floor.

it didn't stain.

the younger boy revealed himself completely to eddie much to his horror. the poor boy's yellow slicker was stained with blood where his arm would of been if it had been there.

eddie stared in disbelief, slowly stepping back in uncertainty. he was nearing the back wall with his hands out in some sort of defense only to slip through it. eddie shrieked, jumping back in fear. the wall was intact, as it had been before.

"stanley," the young boy whined, gently tugging on stanley's blood soaked sleeve. stanley shushed him softly, hazel-brown studying eddie's form.

"wh-where am i?" eddie croaked hoarsey from crying.

the newly dubbed stanley shrugged, "i don't know."

eddie hesitated before trying again, "am i d-dead?"

stanley nodded, acting much too nonchalant for the situation that they were in, "probably."

eddie glanced down at his almost see through hands that trembled slightly. he swallowed thickly. he didn't believe in ghosts, there was no way that he was one. when people died, they died. their lives were just over. or so eddie thought.

turns out that the injuries on stan and georgie's bodies were their injuries on the day they died. eddie didn't have any. he had hoped that maybe he died in sword fight, or as an astronaut, floating in space. however, there were no injuries to support his theories. the strongest one was that he probably drowned.

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