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despite knowing and seeing a ghost boy in his new house, richie didn't see all too surprised. however, eddie didn't take richie bright enough to notice danger even if it hit him in his stupid face.

he was persistently annoying, always trying to catch eddie on some sort of device that seemed much too difficult for a normal person to operate, nonetheless richie. he tried to sneak through the house in a desperate attempt to see eddie, yet eddie didn't want to give him the satisfaction just yet.

their encounters were slim; close to none. amidst the steam of richie's showers, eddie would write little messages on the mirror in hopes of striking some fear into the boy's heart. that was his job as a ghost. they consisted of empty threats such as 'stay or be killed!' or 'get out!' to which when richie got out of the shower, he would read the horrid messages and coo. "aw! love you too, big guy!"

eddie just didn't get it! who in the world wouldn't be scared of a ghost? a creature that plagues nightmares and haunts imaginations to the point that humans are too terrified to speak or sleep, frozen in terror.

eddie glanced in the mirror, inspecting himself with a small frown played on his pale lips. he pulled down his eye to show the redness that momentarily grossed himself out. was he even cut out for this?

he turned to look at the back of his body, checking himself out. he was small and dainty; fragile even. he reminded himself of a porcelain doll, breaking at the smallest and gentlest of touches. a wave of hopelessness washed over him like waves of anger, fear and frustrations crashing into the sand of self control.

his hands clenched at his side as he tore his gaze away from the mirror, raising a hand to dry away stray tears that had cascaded down his cheeks in a moment of weakness. when would he get out of here? when would he see stanley and... georgie? georgie. he immediately felt dread in his stomach as his breath quickened once more.

georgie. he was six, he wore a yellow slicker, he didn't deserve to die.

we all didn't.

he straightened himself out after his breathing had evened out, looking back towards his reflection to touch his face, studying everything in case he would forget himself. my name is eddie, he thought briefly to himself.

he swore he'd never forget.


"ghosty!" richie's screaming echoed around the almost empty house. "ghost boy! where are you?"

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