t w e l v e

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as soon as the basement door was opened, richie fell to the floor, trying to catch his breath. the axe slipped out of his fingers.

it was silent.

richie crawled towards the broken door and peered into the basement. dust floated freely in the air as richie's eyes darted around. it was dark and made the light spilling in from the living room look like a spotlight. the smell of mildew hit his nose causing the boy to let out a string of coughs.

"eddie?" his voice bounced off the empty walls, echoing back at him distorted and slow. he swallowed, crawling backwards away from the basement. his heart was hammering in his chest frantically as if it was a wild bird trying to escape his ribs.

abruptly, a scream tore through the quiet causing richie to flinch heavily, scrambling to his feet and racing upstairs. he slammed the door shut behind him, quickly grabbing his phone, dread filling his stomach when he realized it was dead. he quickly plugged it in, fingers laced through his hair nervously.

the last hour seemed like a blur, he was eating breakfast when he heard eddie scream, agony dripping from every syllable. his friend was in danger and richie didn't know what to do. he had never been so scared in his life.

fuck eds, i'm sorry. i should have done more.

richie wiped the tears that dripped down his flushed cheeks, sniffling as his phone finally blinked alive. with shaking hands, he went into his texts and messaged his friends, gnawing nervously on his thumbnail.

rich the kid: does anyone have an ouija board?

it felt like he was sitting on his bed for hours, his leg bouncing up and down before mike answered;

country boy: no, why?

haystack: do you know dangerous those things are?

haystack: they aren't some toy

haystack: no one should have one

haystack: or play with one

bev: ya

bev: im coming over

haystack: bev!!

rich the kid: please come over i need your help

rich the kid: now

country boy: richie?

richie dropped his phone as something dragged against his shoulder, turning around. "eds?"

he willed voice not to waver but he had never been so afraid, so petrified when there was nothing there. he felt like he was being stalked like prey.

in fact, as soon as richie had made that first dent in that door, it felt like he was opening the gate of the lion enclosure.

this wasn't a ghost like eddie, it was that clown he had seen in the corner of his room when eddie had attacked him.

something like a demon.

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