Chapter 8-It's Time to Trust Again

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This is the final chapter. I may come back and write an epilogue, but if I do, it won't be for a while. So I'm marking this story as complete. I've tied up most of the loose ends, and any that aren't sorted are open for an epilogue. There most definitely will not be a sequel.

Thank you for all your support, and one more comment would mean the world!

Sally xX


I know it's late too

But I've really missed you

I'd stand here through the night

If it would change your mind

You feel uncertain

You reach for the curtain

Ask me to check my watch

And let you know the time

I say

It's time to trust again

Let me say

It's not a moment too soon

Honey, you must again

I've been running away from it too

But maybe it's time

You've come so far now

But don't stop where you are now

One step in my direction

Might be all you need

It's Time to Trust Again ~ Vic Mignogna


Bella's POV

It had been four months since I'd learned the truth of what had happened - or rather, what hadn't happened - that fateful day so many years ago, and my relationship with Edward had flourished once again, as it had done so very long ago. This time, I had a different set of friends and a different mindset. I didn't live in fantasy world, and I didn't believe that I could ever forgive Alice for what she'd done.

I'd spoken to her once, in all the time between her giving me those papers about Tanya and Edward telling me of her confession. And the only words I spoke were 'Is it true?'. Her tearful nod had been answer enough, and from the day forth, I ended my friendship with Alice. She didn't deserve my time, or her brother's time.

I did, however, decide to pay Tanya a visit. It was after saying goodbye to Edward one afternoon, and I gave Rose a call. I wanted to see Tanya, punch her face inside out, scream at her, lecture her, and then smirk as I told her that Edward and I were together again, and that her plan had failed.

Rose didn't think my plan to hit the woman a good one, however. She did agree to go with me to Tanya's place in downtown Essex - an area I never really wanted to visit if I could possibly help it. But I was feeling vindictive, and I wanted to make her realise what a bitch she was.

We arrived at her address, and I knocked on her door sharply, seeing that the doorbell was hanging off the wall, attached only by one thin red wire. I was very tempted to rip it off, but restrained myself with the thought that Tanya would probably call the police or something. Any excuse to get me into trouble.

Tanya threw open the door, and quite honestly, I hardly recognised her. Her once-gorgeous hair was limp and stringy, weighed down with badly-applied blond dye, and her face was ruined by premature lines and an angry, twisted frown. Her clothing was disgusting, quite honestly, and she absolutely stank of alcohol.

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