₂. Mᴏᴠᴇ

22 2 0

  🔼 WARNING: Agressive use of swear words incoming. Not suitable for younger readers.


"Bomi, come out of the fucking toilet before I fucking break this bloody door!"

The first thing she heard that morning was Yunseo cursing at her.

What a way to start a day!

"Just a second!" Bomi answered as she finished brushing her teeth.

"Mother, Bomi is keeping the toilet to herself!" Yunseo shouted to their mother who was in the kitchen downstairs.

Soon a faint shout was heard. "Bomi hurry up and free the toilet. Can't you see your sister is struggling."

"Yes, Ma'am." Bomi answered and then clicked her tongue. "Tattler."

"You fucking asshole whore, bloody motherfucker, cursed son of a bitch, dick twat, I swear I kill you if you don't come out this moment." Yunseo kept ramming the door as her mouth spat curses faster than a lightning.

Had that girl just used the whole vocabulary of swear words she knew, just to get into the toilet?

"Shit you cunt! Get your arse out of the toilet! This is your mistress's command, you better listen to it!"

Apparently, she still had some words up her sleeve. Great job, the dissing may continue!

Bomi sighed loudly and wondered why Yunseo had to do this to her.

She had clearly asked her sister if she wanted to go wash up first, but Yunseo angrily sent her away, being too concentrated on reading a fanfic. Then, just as she had finished all preparations and went to wash up, Yunseo had come running to the toilet, as if being summoned.

Couldn't she get even a little peace of mind in this house?

Not making more delays, the girl finally opened the door. The first thing she saw was Yunseo's red and angered face.

"Bloody! Fucking finally! Do you know how fucking tired I was getting to wait for you slow shitass to do your shitty business?"

"The toilet is all yours, princess." Bomi smiled.

"Mother, Bomi's swearing at me!" Yunseo immediately called out for her safe heaven.

"Bomi, what have I said about swear words. Mind your manners."

"Yes, Ma'am." Bomi answered to her mother.

"Language, Bomi. Language."

"Yes, Mother."

Yunseo smirked proudly at the damage she managed to deal and stuck out her tongue. After that she hurried to the toilet and slammed the door behind her

Bomi looked down at the floor. Since the morning had been one of the worsts right off the bat, did this mean the day would only get worse. Such a nice thing, she only had a way down and there was no climbing from that pit.

Yunseo had been throwing daggers at her since the morning. She was innately very ill-natured with her speech, but during a certain occasion she spat curses like a bubbling cauldron. It was as if she's became like the master off the underworld themself.

There was no saving this day!

Bomi went down the stairs and joined her parents at the kitchen table. Her mother was giving the finishing touch to the food, while her father was reading the morning news. At least, that's what it looked like. In reality, he was dozing off, his glasses half-way down his nose.

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