Laissez les bon temps rouler

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Just a heads up. There will be a lot of switching POV's in this chapter.

Shawn's POV

I made it to gorilla. "So you decided to show up after all?" I jumped hearing that familiar voice.

"What's it to you Mcmannequin?"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that Mr. Hickenbottom?"

"Well I'm not sorry about it." I said childish way.

"Why are you late?" He ignored me.

"I was stuck at WCW."

"And why was that?"

My theme hit so I walked to the curtain and turned around to look at Vince. "I have a crowd to impress." I opened the curtain and did my usual entrance.

I got in the ring to face Owen Hart. Well not exactly. He was currently in his gimmick as the blue blazer.

The ref signaled for bell as I got into my corner. Owen ran at me trying to grapple me but I reversed it and lifted him. He fell on his back, holding it in pain as he gets up.

I grab his arm and Irish whip him into the corner ring post. I walk over and lift him onto the top rope then I climb to the top rope. I lift him up with me and throw us on the floor.

The ref starts counting.

1... No movement

2... No movement

3... I slowly get up.

4... I grab Owen and drag him into the ring and slide in.

He gets up and I go for the flying forearm. He reverses it and kicks me in the stomach.

He whips me into the ropes going for a lariat. I dodge and do the super kick.

I go for the pin after I pull him by the arms to the middle of the ring.

1, 2..

He kicks out. I slam my hands on the mat in frustration. How did he not stay down?

He lays there catching his breath while I climb the ropes. I get ready for the elbow drop. I jump and elbow him in the stomach.

I go for the pin again.

1, 2, 3

"And your winner. Shawn Michaels." The ref raises my hand.

Yes it was a short match but I need to talk to Vince before he does something rash to my career.

I jog back to where Vince earlier but he isn't there. I assume he went back to his office so I make my way to the old mans office.

Aria's POV

Everything's overwhelming me right now. Bret, Blake, and Bret working for Blake.

Bret helped us, quit his job, and apologized. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist squeezing me into a hug. "I've missed you."

I turned around to see Kat. "Babe!" I said hugging her the correct way.

"So what happened to you back there?" She asked letting go.

"Just your usual kidnapping. Nothing special."

"Oh my god!? You're not serious are you? I thought you left."

"I'm being serious Katherine."

"Who did it? I'ma kick some ass. Well not literally because I can't fight worth a shit."

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