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Location: Ether
Tessa's age: 17
Ren's age: 17

"This is stupid Ren."

A blonde girl named Tessa is currently following her partner, a boy named Ren, down the dark corridors of Ether's Hall of Knowledge.

Tessa is clothed in a black, sleeveless and cropped tank, black air-fitting jeans, black combat boots, and black, fingerless leather gloves. Her blonde hair goes just past her shoulders and her bright violet eyes are currently narrowed into slits. Obviously annoyed at her partner's stupidity.

Ren is similarly clothed except his black tank only has the sleeves cut away. His black hair is rather shaggy and his black eyes are wide with excitement.

Tessa is walking silent and with a serious air about her while Ren is walking with an overly dorky stride, like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Ren turns around to face her while still walking. He looks as if he's going to say something until he trips and falls down a flight of stone stairs.

Tessa only blinks and then calmly walks down long the long flight of stairs. After reaching the end, small flames burst from the girl's hands as she looks down at her partner. He's laying on his back with his arms propping his head up. There was not a scratch on him. Instead there is a sheepish smile on his face.

"Alright so as much as that hurt... I totally meant to do that."

Tessa rolls her eyes and with her free hand she helps him up and gives him a playful shove.

"Well maybe next time you should watch where you're going... omega."

The boy rolls his eyes and starts searching the wall for something. When he finds it he turns back around.

"Yeah yeah I get it alpha."

This time it's Tessa who rolls her eyes.

"But look at what this 'omega' has found."

The boy summons his own fire and sets the flames atop what looks like a torch holder. Flames are then spread to other holders, seemingly on their own, and once all the holders are lit, the fire turns blue. Now, the contents of the rooms are revealed.

The room is huge. There are shelves everywhere and they are all lined with orbs. In the center of the room there is what looks like a well... the substance inside is black and gooey and there are strange shiny bits inside that resemble tiny stars.

Ren immediately starts looking through the orbs while Tessa stands still, silently observing the room.

"So... what exactly is the reason you brought me down here?"

The only other sound in the room is the echo of the clinking orbs.

"Well... I overheard Vilax talking to an Elder about this place..."

Ren pauses for a moment as he inspects an orb. But then he quickly puts it back in its original place.

"This room holds all the knowledge of Ether, the rest of the world, and the galaxies. And apparently... it records the past, the present, and the future. So I thought... you might wanna see them one last time. And your older brother..."

Tessa comes up behind him and puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. Right now things were different than they were before they entered this room.

They weren't alpha and omega, they weren't leader and subordinate-- they were simply best friends again.

"Ren that's really sweet but I don't think... what's that one?"

Both teens look at a particular orb... it's called Young Justice archives.

Ren looks at Tessa.

"Isn't that your 'little brother's' team?"

Tessa only nods and then they see another orb next to that one. Only they don't pay any attention to it until Tessa picks up the Young Justice orb. Then the second one starts glowing.

Both teens look at each other then Ren picks it up.

"Teen Titans archives..." breathes Ren. He puts the second orb next to the first one and they both glow now.

"They must be connected somehow..." said Tessa.

She starts walking to the well in the center of the room, Ren closely following.

After a moment's hesitation she puts the orb in the well and images immediately start playing around the room.

All are about the Young Justice Team. Missions, personal time, bonding time, training... all out there. And then Ren puts the second orb in the well. Images of the Teen Titans spring up as well.

Now one side of the room was Young Justice and the other side was Teen Titans. Both orbs began to levitate, side by side.

"Uh Tessa? Why is your brother in both dimensions?"

Tessa looks rather confused as well. But writing appears underneath both orbs.

After reading what is written, Tessa comes over to Ren. A shocked expression playing over her face.

"Ren I-I don't... these are different time periods. But... it says they're part of a split dimension. And we just blended them together..."

As if on cue, the images in the room sped toward each other until they collided and a large boom resounded throughout the room and the pale light became red.

"...What exactly does that mean?"

"It means we just screwed up. We need to get to Mount Justice and take the team... the message said 'You have blended the time periods of these two teams and therefore have disrupted the time continuum. You must find the team of this time period, take them to a secure place and then find the other team. When they are together you must show them these orbs. These orbs have ethereal intelligence and by combining these images, you have confused these orbs. But once their respective teams have viewed their contents, it will clear the orbs' confusion and will set the time continuum straight again'"

Ren looks at Tessa with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"So... do you think this will result in our training progress being reversed?"

Tessa shoots him a glare that says is that really what you're concerned about right now?!

Tessa grabs his wrist and drags him back up the stairs and into the main lobby of the Hall.

The Elders were giving them looks saying 'we know what happened' 'you better fix this' 'get to it!'

The young Etheranians nervously looked at each other then quickly hurried out the doors and outside. The gloomy clouds only highlighted what they felt right now.

Quickly they transformed and flew off towards the Wayne Manor, Tessa obviously leading the way.

Time to kidnap my brother and his team and friends... two times over. Greeeeaaaat.

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