Draw 03

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Draw 03 : Alexis' Feelings

Alexis can't focus during the class session because of what Blair said to her.

"... Sigh."
"What happened, Lex?"
"Uh, it's nothing, Alyssa. I'm just a little tired."
"You do look like that, you should have enough rest."
"I know, thanks for your concern."

Alexis closes her eyes and sigh again.

"I shouldn't have said that..."
She murmurs in a voice no one but her can hear.

After the class ends, Jaden looks around the class.
He found Alexis leaving the class and starts to chase her.

"Alexis, wait!"
"Huh? Do you need something, Jaden?"
"No, I just want to have a talk with you. Do you have a moment?"
"... Alright. Let's talk as we walk."

They walk side by side without noticing Blair who is following them from behind.

Blair actually wanted to pick Jaden up but she decided not to since Jaden is currently with Alexis, her love rival.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"... What did Blair say to you?"
"... You really lack of tact and delicacy, you know that?"
"I'm sorry, but I need to know what makes your mood sour."
"Sigh, that's just like you. Well, it's not like I don't want to talk about it."

Blair is not amused, she feels like Alexis is going to say something totally ridiculous.
They are rivals in love after all.

"She told me that she loves you and not going to let anyone have you. Only that."
"Only that? No more?"
"Yes, no more."

Blair finds it weird.
She thought that Alexis will start bad mouthing her but she did not do it.
If she really loves Jaden she should have done that in the first place to make Jaden hate her; is what Blair think in the moment.

"... Or could it be she really has no feelings for Jaden? If that so it would be great... But her reaction last night totally showed her true feelings..."

Just as Blair starts to think, the pair has already gone farther.

"Oh no, I will miss them!"

Blair quickly chases after them.

"I thought you're in a bad mood because Blair picked a fight with you."
"*giggles* Oh, Jaden... There's no way I'm going to be in a bad mood over something like that. You know I'm always up for a duel."
"Yeah, you're the only girl I know that loves duels that much. You always caught my eyes."
"... I'm amazed you can say that without any hesitation."
"Huh? What do you mean? Wait, why is your face turning red?"
"Leave me and my face alone!"
"Are you sick? That could be fever, let's check yourself up in the infirmary..."
"I-I'm okay, okay?!"

"........... Gugugu...!!" Blair is enraged by their flirting.

She desperately tries to stop herself from storming into their sweet talk.

"If you say so... But you need to have a rest, you got it?"
"... Yeah."

And that's the end of their talk, Jaden sees her off before turning back to the Slifer Red dorm.
There, he found Blair standing as if waiting for him.

"Huh? Why are you here, Blair?"
"Uh, I was just strolling around the academy since I can't find you in your class."
"Oh, it's because I was walking with Alexis."
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, it's nothing really important..."

Jaden remembers what Blair said this morning, and seeing Blair who is slowly turning into a beauty in front of him made his face turn red.
He is starting to get conscious with females because of his kiss with Alexis.

"Huh? Why is your face red?"
"It's nothing-"

Blair didn't wait for Jaden to finish his words and already putting her small palm on his forehead.

"It's pretty hot, you need to have a rest, okay?"
"... I'm really okay, you know..."
"No, let's head back. I will take care of you."
"Wait, Blair-"
"What is it?"
"... No, forget it."

Jaden thought that maybe he is starting to understand how Alexis felt when he's acting so unreserved around her after seeing how Blair acts around him.

On the way back, Blair holds his hand until they reach the dorm.


Alexis is currently laying down on her bed, thinking about what happened recently.

"it's not even 2 days but it felt like it's already months..."

Ever since their kiss, a lot has happened. So much that she didn't find it surprising for Blair to enroll to this academy this morning.

"Blair... She's turning into such a fine girl in a year. Geniuses sure are scary... Back when I was her age I never think about love, my mind was so fixated in dueling."

Is this what they call 'youth'?

Alexis thought.

"Love is just stupid, it will hinder your progress in duel. That's what I thought back then..."

She recalls her memories with Jaden during their first year.
How he always save her and encourage her when she's in trouble.
She unconsciouly lets out a small smile.

"Even if he has no tact nor delicacy, he is always so reliable that I let myself get spoiled by him. I never expect myself to fall this far."

Alexis always wanted to be a teacher because she wants to show the students the fun of dueling.

"But at this rate, I will get even further from my dream. Should I really settle this once and for all? Should I throw away this feeling and keep my distance from Jaden for a while? ..."

Alexis shook her head.

"It's impossible after all... Looks like I'm really in love with him..."
"Huh? You're finally admitting your own feelings?"
"A-Alyssa!? Since when you came in!?"
"Since you started talking about Blair."
"Isn't that from the beginning?!"
"I was trying to call you but I think it will be interesting if I don't."
"You're so cruel..."
"*giggles* Sorry, anyway are you going to confess? To Jaden that is."
"How do you know it's Jaden!?"
"Come on, Alexis. Who doesn't know about your crush for Jaden? It's you the one who always deny your own feelings. Well, I doubt Jaden knows about it tho, he's just so hopeless."
"... Is it really so obvious?"
"Yes, the both of you are similar in this forte. You guys are so DENSE!"
"Anyway, I think you should confess. Either it's for the better or worse. Or do you want this pebble to hinder your dream?"
"... I will think about it."

Alexis smiles weakly and looks toward the window.

"Confess, huh..."

*to be continued*

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