Draw 06

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Draw 06 : Jaden's Birthday 1

Today, Blair left the dorm earlier than usual because she got something to do with her classmate.

Finding it unusually peaceful, Jaden who is currently laying on his bed starts pondering what will happen to their relationship after he choose one of them.

"Not good... No matter who I choose, I can't find any answer that will satisfy the one I don't choose."

If he were to choose Blair, Alexis will be sad.
If he were to choose Alexis, Blair will be sad.

No matter what, there will only be one of them who will be happy.

"This is so frustrating... This is also the reason I can't give them any answer at the moment... How I envy Kaiser who can easily said that he wasn't interested in love."
"You seem to be in trouble, bro."
"You bet I AM, Syrus. Sigh..."
"-I bet it's about the girls."
"You know me so well."
"Of course, tell me your problem. Maybe I can somewhat be a help to you."

Jaden then proceeds to tell Syrus everything that happened until this time except for the kiss.
Syrus nods his head.

"I'm not a pro in this matter, but I can say that you're just unable to find out who you love better yet."
"Who I love better...?"
"That's right, I don't know how you really feel but in my eyes, both Alexis and Blair are currently staying at the same position either it's as friend or lover candidate."
"Since they are at the same position you're not sure who you love the most. That's why you're in a dilemma."
"How do I find out who I love the most?"
"Hum... Let's see, perhaps the one that you want to share with?"
"To share? What do you mean?"
"Let's say that you happened to see a ghost or whatever it is, who do you want to share every of that moment with the most?"

Jaden thinks about it for a while.

"I don't know..."
"It's because you're not in love with them yet. Well, sooner or later you will find out. Got to go now, see you soon Jaden."
"Yeah, thanks Syrus."

Syrus waves at Jaden and left with chumley.

"Alright... I'd better get going too."

-Lunch Break-
"Hey, Blair- Huh? How strange, Blair is not with you?"

Alexis is looking for Blair, but the person in question is not here.

"I don't know either, I wonder where is she too. Usually she's always beside you."

Jaden didn't answer Syrus and starts thinking by himself.

-After School-

Blair didn't visit Jaden's class, so Jaden decided to peek into her class but she is not there.

"I'm sorry, did any of you see Blair?"
"Blair? If I'm not mistaken she's going somewhere with a boy."


"I-I see..."

Jaden wonders why is his heart throbbing and decided to just go straight back to the dorm.

But when he arrived at the dorm, Blair is still not there.

"I wonder where is she..."

Not to mention he still can't forget thr thing about Blair going with a boy.


Jaden looks around during the dinner, but he can't locate Blair anywhere.

"She's not back for dinner?"

Not only dinner, even when it's lights out time Blair is still not returning to the room.
Now Jaden is seriously worried.

"Did something happen to her..."

Jaden really wants to ask the others about Blair but they are strangely calm about this.
Chumley even fell asleep without any shred of worry to Blair.

"... I guess I will wait for tomorrow. I doubt anything will happen in this island... At least not at this moment."

Jaden closes his eyes and fell asleep.

-Ra Yellow's Kitchen-
"It's finished!"
"Alright, this taste is acceptable. Don't forget the recipe."
"Thanks a lot, senior Misawa!"
"... To think that tomorrow is Jaden's birthday... I should've prepare something."
"No, mine is already enough so don't add too many cakes. It will be a waste if we make too many."
"Well, you get a point."

The reason why Blair seemed so busy is because she's learning how to make a cake from Misawa who is unexpectedly good in cooking.
All for the sake of Jaden's birthday.

She doesn't want to mess up tomorrow that's why she's giving her all today.

"I'm glad that I asked senior Syrus yesterday about Jaden's birthday."
"Luck is by your side, things like this don't happen a lot you know."
"*giggles* I know right."

After bidding farewell to Misawa, Blair heads back to the Slifer Red's dorm.

She enters the room quietly so no one wakes up.


She didn't speak a single word with Jaden today so she really missed him a lot.
But she has an even important things to do.

"... Wake up, Jaden."
"Uh... B-Bla-!?"
"Sssttt!! Don't scream!"

Jaden nods his head and Blair takes him outside.

"What are you doing Blair? Why are we-"
"Happy birthday, Jaden."

Blair spins around and showed him a cake that she made with Misawa's guidance.

"I heard that today is your birthday, so I prepared this."

Blair showed him her phone clock that shows the change of date.
Jaden is at loss of words, he doesn't know what to say in this situation.

"Hurry up and cut the cake, Jaden! The cake is going to melt!"

However, he's relieved that Blair is not going out with anyone and still loves him.
He doesn't know why he is feeling like this, but it's not unpleasant to him.

"... Thanks, Blair. I'm really grateful for this."
"Wh- What are you saying... Anyway, close your eyes for now! I have a present for you!"
"... *Kiss*"

Just as Jaden closes his eyes, Blair who is standing on the ladder kissed his forehead gently.

"... Happy birthday, Jaden. I love you."

Blair smiles happily.
Faced with her sincerity, Jaden's obliged to give her an answer.

"... Blair, I..."

Blair who is waiting smiles even wider.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I love you or not but I can't go out with you yet... I can't go out with you while I still have this incomplete feelings..."
"Doesn't matter, I said it before. I will keep on loving you until you say yes!"
"Wha- Hey!"

Blair jumps and hug Jaden tightly.

"Say, Jaden?"
"Do you know how a maiden in love can be stronger than any wrestler?"
"... Huh?"

-to be continued-

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Fanfiction: The One I'm Looking forWhere stories live. Discover now