Chapter 5

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               Yuni POV

          Elder Charles opened the door and welcomed me " Why, hello Yuni! What brings you here?"

     I said warmly back " Hello Elder Charles. I have come here to ask you of a favour."

       He asked " What can me and Cindy do for you Yuni?"

       " I am going to ask you to help me with the man's problem by making sure he doesn't get killed by the others!"

     He said gleefully " I would splendidly give him and his friends a place to hide and be transported to their realm. I would love to have tea with him while we wait for his friends."

     He led  Masky into the house as I left to look for the others.

                Masky POV

        Elder Charles led me to a large table with a old woman with light brown and gray hair with soft blue eyes. The woman introduced herself by saying " Hi I'm Elder Cindy!" ( I seriously don't have anything else for the introduction thing. I'm sooooo uncreative that way from Bunny~chan.) They started talking and asking questions like how did I get here and who were my friends. I answered most of them and said that they had to ask them for the others. We just eat krumpets and drink tea. (BRITISH DEMONS!!!) I continued to wait.

          Yuni POV 

      Dean was here somewhere in this realm. I wanted to find him but I had to find the others as well. I decided to find one of the less perverted people. I decided to find Slenderman and the rest of his proxies. I walked aimlessly around till I heard a rustle. I ran towards to the sound and tackles the proxy behind the bush. Toby.....oh no.

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