Chapter 1

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       Yuni POV

   Dream * I watch her hear Masky and run off back to the place I once called home. I ventured through the wall to find pictures of  Dean and me when Dean was a baby. I tried to touch the picture but my hand slipped through it for I was in spirit form. Funny thing about dream demons we can't tell or control our dreams. Then the day of me and my brother running out of the house started playing. I watch as Zalgo fight my mother as I ran away. Worst day of my life I labeled that day.

          Then everything turned black. I heard Dean screaming my name. It kept getting louder and louder. Till he said " Why did you leave me with a wolf?" I started shouting I didn't as I saw my mom. I run to her to hug her but my hands went through her. As she started sinking in the black abis. I tried to help her as she screamed. I heard the last words in my dream of nightmare " I never loved you, Yuni." I fell to the ground as the words that mom just said camed out of Dean's mouth. They just kept repeating it as the words showed up in red on the black wall. They appeared to be glowing.* 

       I woke up sobbing. I wasn't in my physical body but in my original dream demon form. I wanted a hug from mom or Dean but they couldn't. Dean almost doesn't know that I exist and I didn't have the guts to approach mother for help with emotions

        Dean POV

      Dream * I was a baby again. I heard a girl's voice " Hi Dean. It's me, your sister Yuni." Yuni that name stuck to me like glue. So much that it made me want to meet her again or for the first time. If she knew me it would probably be again. She continued " I will tell you this secret." She whispered " I stole a cookie from the cookie jar." She stopped and I giggled. She stole the cookie from the cookie jar. The home felt so familiar like I lived there before. That couldn't be before I came here I was in the tree den. 

           Time skip. The girl seem be calling "Mom, MOM, come here quick!" I was pronouncing something. A woman ran in asking " What?!?" The girl shushed her saying "Dean is trying to say something" The woman went quiet and looked at me as I said " Y-y-u-n-ni. Yuni!" The girl shouted with excitement " Mommy he said MY name. Not sister. Not mama. But MY name" I knew why I recognized everything. This was home. I wanted to be there. I felt like I have been staying with a friend forever. I wanted to be home. I wanted to see my mother. Most of all, I wanted to know who my sister is. 

       I woke up in the morning it was my birthday. I'm turning 7 today. I walked down half of the hallway till I heard " DEEEEEAAAAAN! Happy Birthday!" It was Sally. I stopped as she and BEN caught up with me. More like BEN catching up with Sally.  As we walked by a window I was grabbed by someone.

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