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This is my first story and its a One Direction Fan Fic! EEKKK!! Right anyway id really like it if you comment/vote or do your thing so i know I'm at least doing something right! Cheers cupcakes!





~~Eleana's POV~~

"Come on Nathaniel!" I said to my younger brother, tugging on his hand leading him deeper into the woods. It was roughly 7:30 and we were on our way back from our picnic. Nathaniel was only seven and we had been walking for a while.

"Please can we have a rest please?" He begged, I agreed and sat down on the dry floor the sat down beside me and laid his head on my shoulder. "Do you like it here, on holiday?" He asked me standing up again. One minute this boy was shattered and wanted to rest, but now he was bounding with energy. He never failed to surprise me. He ran off into the night pretending to be a spy. I just laughed at my childish brother. His laugh became fainter and fainter, his body merging into the night.

"Nathaniel!" I shouted after him hoping he would come back. There was no reply. "Nathaniel!" I screamed after him. Where the heck is he? I jumped up from my position and began to run in the direction where he had ran in. Why did I let him run off, I should have called him back.

"Nathaniel!" I screamed once more, hoping he would hear me. He should hear me. Why couldn't he hear me? I continued running until I stopped . I looked around the sun had completely disappeared, replace by a moon. I quickly inspected the space around me, squinting to see what was there. Which way did I come from? How could I be so stupid. Stupid blond. I began to brake down in sobs, if hes dead its all my fault.

"Where are you?" I shouted letting my voice echo through the silent woods. I began to slowly walk forwards stepping over twigs and branches, avoiding holes which could possible trip me up. I wish I had never said yes to coming here. I was truly and utterly lost in a woods, in a place I had only been once. I had also lost my little brother who could be dead now, he could be crying being surrounded by the darkness, he could be in the house safe with me, watching bambi or toy story. The tears streamed down my face, I was truly and utterly stupid. If I die, its all my fault. If Nathaniel dies, its all my fault.

Whatever happens, its my fault.

Beautifully Lost - A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now