Chapter 4

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~Niall's POV~


As soon as we retreated to our previous 'camp out' spot I placed Eleana down on the floor. My heart goes out to her, loosing her brother and she had said she hadn't eaten, or drank for three days. How could she not feel hungry!? Maybe she was all to worried about her little brother who was lost. Nathaniel had been lost and hadn't drank or eaten for the same amount of time Eleana had been. Though we did give her some of our food and water. She looks so peaceful sleeping, her pale face, her white eyelids closed concealing her beautiful green eyes and he blond hair laid delicately on the floor and some on her face.

"I wonder whats happened to her brother." Louis whispered, just incase she could hear us in her sleep.

"Me too." Zayn said thoughtfully.

"I think we all do." Liam said with a faint smile while his eyes were resting on something, Eleana.

"How about me and dipstick here," Harry said pointing at Liam "and Zayn go and see if we can find a nearby house, threes bound to be one near that lake, I'm sure I saw a bout there." Harry said smiling at his knowledgeable mind.

"And you didnt think to tell us that yesterday when i was freezing my arse off and was craving food!" I said raising my voice from the whisper which was being sustained. "But go on the curly, me and Lou will stay here, wont we."

"Course we will Nialler!" Louis said flinging his arm over my shoulder. "See you later boys!" Louis shouted shooing his friends away.




"Niall, Niall." Someone said whilst shaking my shoulder softly. "Niall." My eyes flicked open and sat up to see Eleana, her eyes all red and puffy.

"Whats up El?" I said using the nick name I made up for her.

"I just had a nightmare." She said simply, and sat down next to me. "Can I sleep with you?" She asked timidly not looking at me. "You don't have to say yes, I mean I just don't want to sleep on my own. And I couldn't find the other boys, and you seem to like me more than Louis." She said rambling on. "Wheres the other boys Niall? Did they run away? Are they hurt?" She asked shaking, her eyes beginning to fill with water.

"Hey, Hey." I said placing my hands on either side of her face. "Louis likes you, and the boys have just gone to the lake, to see if there was a house nearby there." I said wiping away the stray tears which had fallen from her stunning eyes. "Of course you can lie with me." I said smiling at her, looking into her eyes. She began to lean in, closing her eyes. I smiled to myself as she pulled me into a passionate hug. Her hugs were the best.

"Thank you Nialler. It means alot you know. Thank you." She said as she pulled away and lay down next to me. I'm surprised shes not freezing wearing just a dress and a denim jacket, maybe shes used to the cold by now. I gave up on my thoughts, I was to tired to sleep. I returned to the position I was in before I was awoken and drifted back into a deep sleep next to Eleana.



~Louis' POV~


I woke up to Eleana talking to Niall.

"I just had a nightmare." She said simply, and sat down next to me. "Can I sleep with you?" She asked timidly not looking at me. "You don't have to say yes, I mean I just don't want to sleep on my own. And I couldn't find the other boys, and you seem to like me more than Louis." She said rambling on. "Wheres the other boys Niall? Did they run away? Are they hurt?" She asked her voice shaking, I couldn't see her face due to it being dark and she wasn't close enough for me to see her, but from what i could here, She was crying. I sighed she though I didn't like her...

I sighed and rolled over on to my side and sheild myself from the world.


~Harry's POV~

Quiet honestly I don't know why I hadn't thought about that lake before, because where you have a beautiful lake with a boat on there you tend to have a holiday home nearby. Maybe this thought only came to me when I thought about Eleana liking Niall more than me. I know we all like her, shes really cute. I just hope we find her brother. We had walked in silence, not awkward silence but comfortable silence until we reached the lake. Finally! Quiet honestly I thought we had got lost considering we were walking for what seemed to be like hours, yet none of us even spoke.

"Bout time." Zayn said half-heartedly.

"Tell me about it." Liam said as a strong gust of wind blew in our faces.

"Come on lets see if theres a house here. Because if we don't find shelter were going to be caught in a storm and Eleana may catch a worse cold, and shes not well is she boys." I said quickly before rushing off towards the right the boys quickly on my heels. And that's when i saw it....


Im sorry this is short and boring. But you know what can I do? It was a good place to stop so I did ;3. Oh and did you know theres a really cool button on the side >> Thats really fun to press it says 'vote' on it! Oh and didyou know down below vv there is this cool white box which lets you write your thoughts in it. Just take the time to press the button on the side and comment in the box down below. Please? Cheers!

Sophie! x

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