Chapter 3

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~Zayn's POV~


I rolled over on the hard cold floor to see Emerald munching on a small piece of sandwich talking to Liam. She looked cute, like a little penguin. I like penguins but I think Emerald is cuter than a penguin. Shes beautiful. I really need to know her name instead of calling her Emerald! I kept my eyes on her listening to her and Liam's conversation that was going on in front off me.

"Why so serious?" She asked Liam sitting up taking a small sip from the water bottle. She swished the drink around her mouth before letting it go down her throat satisfying her thirst.

"Just thinking." Liam said not interested in answering the actual question, holding out my hand for the bottle.

"Nu uh." She said shaking her head putting the bottle behind her back. "What were you thinking about and then you can have the bottle Mr Payne."

"You know me?" Liam asked confussed. She stiffled a laugh and nodded. "Who wouldnt? Pass me te drink Eleana." Liam said cockily. Thats her name, its pretty - just like her. It was such an innocent name for an innocent girl.

"You didn't answer my question Payne." She said sternly crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouted cutely.

"Why did you think I was going to hurt you?" Liam asked her, curiosity glistening in his eyes. I saw her shudder at the thought. She passed him the drink and looked away. This is when I took the opportunity to save her from the awkward moment, save her from the tears which looked like they were going to fall down her flawless skin. She was perfect, I the looks department. Not one flaw was on her skin, except from the scratches and the deep gash on her arm from where she fell. She still looked beautiful. The only thing now to make her my dream girl is to get to know her, listen to her voice more and see if she is what I'm looking for.

"VAS HAPPENIN'!" I shouted springing up from my place to greet the moans of the three boys who were sleeping. I didnt care I stood up from my position and walked over to where Eleana was sitting. I sat down by her and smiled. "Morning, my names Zayn." I said as politely as I could, hopefully not looking to forwards. I smiled at her as she nodded her head.

"Eleana." She said quietly. She probably knew who we were, or was still worried about her brother who she was looking for yesterday. She was quiet, she was sweet and genuine. That's all I needed to know before I quickly fell for her.



~Eleana's POV~


I had finally met all of the boys. They were a real nice bunch, funny, interesting, genuine, serious. Everything a girl could ask for in a boy. They were caring but there was one person I was avoiding because of one question, Liam. He had to ask why I felt so scared here in the woods when he spoke to me and I didn't know he was here. Why didn't I answer a simply question like 'wouldn't you think someone was going to hurt you if you were in the big woods and some weirdo spoke to you from behind?' or 'its dark'. No I had to freeze, show him that something had happened in this woods and that's why I was so scared. But I was more scared for my little brother. Three days without food or water, that's bad. He could be dead. I knew that, I knew that if he was dead - it was my fault.

"Ive got to go." I said hesitiantly, standing up and began to walk away from the boys who were in a circle. We had been talking about stuff, general stuff like getting to know eachother. Our full names, the boys liked my middle name, especially Zayn. My middle name is Emerald, my parents called me that instead of Eleana because of my peircing green eyes. Walking away I thought the boys would let me, let me walk away from them. I was wrong, a hand caught my wrist and spun me around to them.

"Were coming with you." Niall said, his Irish accent dancing in my ears. I had a thing for accents, any accents that was different to my pain boring one.

"No need to." I said prying my wrist from his hand.

"Yes there is."

"I'm not a baby."

"More eyes will find him quicker." Louis said placing a hand on my shoulder. I had to tell them why I was here other it would be a secret soon found out. I smiled at the boys who actually wanted to help me find my little brother Nathaniel. I nodded as we began to walk in silence looking around for a body, some sort of movement. But there wasn't. Not a sound was made except for the birds melodious tunes and the sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet. The silence was eating me up. I had to say something.

"Your One Direction then?" I asked quickly feeling the crimson creep onto my cheeks. I smiled at the floor I knew the answer to it before I had even assked them but I needed to get rid of the silence, I hated the silence. Almost as much as I hated clowns and dark holes.

"Yes, we are." Harry said smiling widely, flashing his dimples here and there.

"She knew that you twit." Louis said swatting Harry's hair. A laugh escaped my lips, soon enough we were all laughing, clutching to our sides or clutching onto something stable to keep ourselves from falling onto the floor. I smiled this was the first time I had properly laughed in a while.

"Why are you lot laughing?" I asked breathlessly holding onto a large tree for support, the tree looked damaged, then i looked closer to wear my hand was resting, next to it, was a huge gash and blood. "Is anybody bleeding?" I asked quickly. The thoughts of where the blood had come from scared me, Nathaniel could be hurt, he could have been attacked by animals. He could be dead. I couldn't let that thought get the better of me. My eyelids felt heavy, my head felt heavy. Soon enough everything was cloudy. Then everything went black.




~Harry's POV~


Her laugh was beautiful, almost as beautiful as herself - but nothing could compare to her. She was everything a guy could ask for in a girl.

"Why are you lot laughing?" She asked breathing heavily. Why was we laughing? Because of her laugh maybe? Or was it because Louis swatted my beautiful hair touching my curls and called me a twit. Or was it because he said twit. That's a funny word. Suddenly her face concentrated on the bark next to her hand, her face changed from humor to guilt and concern. "Is anybody bleeding?" She asked squinting at the bark.

I looked around to see the guys looking at their arms and legs then quickly inspecting each other seeing if they were bleeding. Nope, none of us was bleeding. Eleana begin to close her eyes, she soon plummeted towards the hard fall, not before Niall quickly dived forwards and caught her before her delicate head smashed against the hard, harsh woodland floor.

"Whats happened?" I asked confussed.

"She fainted." Louis said.

"What do we do?" Zayn asked panicked.

"I dont know, she only fainted because of the blood. Maybe the sight of blood made her faint." Liam suggested.

"She faints at the sight of blood?" Niall said pondering his thoughts.

"Does that mean she faints when shes on her p-" I began a huge smile spreading across my face, which caught onto Louis face like a disease which was soon passed onto Zayn and the onto Niall until it reached Liam, the Mexican wave stopped.

"Harry shut it." Liam said sternly. Niall sat down on the floor with Eleana still in his arms. A pang of jelously hit me hard in the chest. I sighed out aload, were all going to fall for her arnt we? We are, I didnt have to ask that question to know the answer!


Hopefully this is longer than my precious chapters?

Tll me what you think! It would mean alot!

Thanks for the genuine comments from the people who have actually read this and commented" ;3 Means alot to me,

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