The First Letter

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There are some people in this world, who change our perception of things. Some who change our perspective on all fronts. Others impact our lives so significantly, it almost seems too good to be true. There are some people in this world who have given up on the possibility of these intense feelings ever being a reality. Because for some, it doesn't exist. And they get stuck on the idea that it never will.

That's who I was before I met her. I had my own opinion on these feelings and foolishly called it love. It isn't until later you realize that love doesn't cut it, the term itself that is. I used to think love was marriage, but boy was I wrong. The day I met her changed everything. What started out as another normal day suddenly marked the beginning of something incredible in more ways than one.


Throwing my backpack and duffel on the entry way's floor, I walked into the kitchen to heat up dinner. I got my lasagna and took my place at the breakfast bar, pressing my finger to the home button of my phone and checking my messages.

"Charlotte Macallister?" I question aloud.

I click accept on the follow request and scroll through her profile. After awhile of stalking her account, I decide to DM her. After typing a quick, "Hey, who are you?" I finish my dinner, and grab my stuff to head up to my room. Setting my stuff down, I shower and sit on my bed to watch TV. As I'm choosing a channel I hear my phone buzz.

Charlotte Macallister: "Who's this?"

Cameron Thompson: "Well you added me, so shouldn't you know?"

Charlotte Macallister: "So you accepted a follow request from a total stranger? Interesting choice ;) "

I smile, laughing silently to myself as I respond,

Cameron Thompson: "Well then, lets change that total stranger, who are you and where are you from?"

Charlotte Macallister: "Small town in Illinois, and Charlotte Grace Macallister, you?"

Cameron Thompson: "Virginia, Cameron Parker Thompson, wanna play a game?"

Charlotte Macallister: "Which one?"

Cameron Thompson: "20 questions."

Charlotte Macallister: "You're on ;)"


1 year and 6 months later

The sun beams through the spaces between the blinds, giving the room a soft light. I rolled over to face away from the light shining in my eyes and instinctively grabbed my phone from my nightstand without taking my face out of my pillow. Laying on my stomach, I lift my head off my pillow holding my phone in front of my face. My lock screen lights up as I turn it on, and my eyes burn for the second time this morning.

I click Charlotte's contact and type "Goodmorning Beautiful :)" before rolling out of bed and trudging down the stairs. After almost falling and sliding down the stairs I make it to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. I hear my phone ding as I'm eating with a text back from Charlotte,

"Goodmorning Handsome"

"I have a question for you Charlie Grace."

"Ask away babes."

"When am I ever going to see your gorgeous face in person?"

"Huh, that's a good one. Why don't you go check your mailbox ;)"

"Because you're hiding in there right?"

"Ha ha very funny. Just go check your mailbox! :)"

I chuckle and rise from the barstool to head towards the front door. I pass through the doorway without putting on shoes and wince as the hot pavement sears my feet. I run out to our mailbox and pull a box out of it. It's about the size of a book, but deeper, and there is a post it note taped to the top with the words,

"For a handsome Mr. Thompson.

Love, Charlie Grace. "

I pull my phone out of my pocket and text her again,

"What is this?" almost immediately I get a message back,


I stare at my phone, a confused expression painting my face. Next I dialed her number, hoping the phone had somehow made a mistake, or was talking about a different text. I got the same message.

As the day went on I tried to text and call her, each time growing more worried and impatient. By the end of the day I had done nothing but message her, worry, and watch the same TV show on a loop. I stared at the still-sealed box sitting on my TV stand across from my bed. I hadn't opened it yet, not for fear of what whatever is inside would say, but because of what it may not. It was unlike Charlie to not text back within 20 minutes, and the messages saying that I couldn't reach her only made my anxiety worse.

I was afraid it may not have an explanation for why this was happening, but I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up swiftly, grabbing my pocket knife from my bedside table, and practically falling onto the box. I sat for a moment, looking at her handwriting on the post it before carefully cutting through the tape holding the box shut. The sides pop open and I peer into the box to see envelopes.

Each one a different color and all containing a different date and letter, starting with A.

I opened envelope A to reveal her small handwriting once again.

"Hello Love,

I'm sure you're confused right now, and I'm sorry, its just easier this way. Remember all those times you've said you want to come see me? Well now's your chance. I have sent you some letters as you can tell, and I want you to come see me. Easier said than done I know, but if you leave tomorrow, you'll be here in time for my birthday. Each envelope has an assigned date, those are the days you can open them. So, should you choose to accept the challenge and come see me, you should know the rules of the envelopes.

First, you can ONLY open each envelope on the days you are told. Second, you must do exactly what the envelopes say, and third, don't tell anyone about the letters except the one person you bring with you. I want to see you more than anything, but I know people are cruel and they would don't understand reason, much less listen to it.

See you soon darling.

With all my love,

Charlotte Grace."

I start packing while I process what she said. People are cruel, and they wouldn't understand her reasoning. I didn't understand what she meant, but I did understand one thing,

I needed to see her, ask her why she blocked my number, and naturally kiss the living daylights out of her. I was leaving tomorrow to see her, and i knew who was coming with me.



So it turns out I cant seem to work on one story without getting an idea and starting another. Whoops. Anyways you know the drill,

Word count: 1181

Adieu beautés. (French, for Charlotte's name origin hehe.)

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