What a Blunder.

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Saiki was careless, needless to say, he let his guard down with how "common" this happened.

Some dude stalking Teruhashi, meekly taking photos from a distance. He took care of them secretly, but somehow, one kept on persisting.

He felt that it was fine, it's alright, he could take care of it without causing too much of a fuss.

He didn't want this to disturb the peace that his partner obtained after giving up so many things in her life, for his sake, after all.

He didn't want to cause her insecurity, guilt, and worry over having this peace she worked hard for destroyed.

Putting it off was the biggest mistake he had ever done. He was supposed to take care of it later, but now...

He was too late. He couldn't prevent it.

How infuriating...

He should not have let that insane maniac go. He should have taken care of him at once.

Now, he was caught off guard. Somehow, he wasn't there to prevent it. He was too far away. And most of all, he did not expect the calculated criminal to kidnap her when he's far from home.

And while he's running with labored breath despite being strong and durable enough for that, finding a spot to teleport from in this blasted street oddly filled with too much people....

His anxiety spikes. He hears her voice in his head, he didn't know if it was legit or not, and it only troubled his already unconsciously addled mind.

And he runs, even when he could just teleport to an isolated location and disappear there and then, he couldn't afford to stop and think about it as he realized--

--Teruhashi's in danger--

--the solitary thought rung inside his head, and for once, he couldn't control them from going rampant in his mind.

And so, he runs.


Teruhashi Kokomi wakes up in the dark, a lump in her throat as she tries to register: just where the heck was she?

No, she wouldn't wake up panicked. Okay, maybe a little, she was just sleeping peacefully after all, the comfort of being at home slowly fading into nothingness.

But she's furious, surprisingly. Who was insane enough to kidnap a married woman such as her?

'I mean, I know I'm cute and all, but didn't I make it clear enough already that I'm taken!? I should've been known as the 'Pretty perfect wife of the lucky guy she calls Saiki-kun' by the neighborhood by now!'

Teruhashi is thinking, pouting and glaring at something. She didn't know, it was dark all around.

She didn't have enough time to let the silence creep on her, as the light flickers alive eerily. Her head snaps to look at the man in front of her.

For the first time, Teruhashi's eyes widen in fear, as the man who seemed to resemble the cheshire itself smiles creepily, carrying with him an axe as his eyes go up and down her body lecherously.

"Oh? You're awake, my little angel?"

He whispers, his voice sending chills down her spine. Compared to the effect Saiki's voice had on her, this one grossed in comparison; she was both disgusted and terrified. Actually, Saiki didn't deserve to be compared to something as miserable as this, thing.

"Ah, I knew it. After weeks of studying you, I knew it! Under that fake, sweet smile of yours, lies a beautiful beast!"

The madonna was mostly disgusted, but by the sight of the axe hanging from his shoulder, she couldn't help but let true fear, something that the fearless popular icon have never felt in all her years of living, creep inside and claw at her.

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