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I talked to a friend about this unrevealed scene I had in mind when I was writing this one-shot. It looked better when it was drawn, but oh well. Here you go.


After the disaster Saiki had successfully saved his spouse from, he was now in the middle of walking home, carrying the unconscious Teruhashi bridal-style as he walked beneath the setting sky, with stars already peaking from the horizon before him.

He had teleported to the little playground near their house, much to his chagrin. It seems like his mind was muddled enough by the hectic events that he was left in a daze, precision non-existent as his focus was on the woman in his arms.

A momentary breeze accompanied his head as he craned his neck to gaze at Teruhashi, empty eyes searching for some sort of discomfort in her features.

Thankfully, and oddly.. there was no sign of the pain he witnessed back then in her expression. Just some dirt here and there littering her pretty face.

With a sigh, he looked forward and regarded the night sky. What a strange woman, one thing she was crying like a baby, and the next, she was sleeping like a baby.

In conclusion, Teruhashi Kokomi, the ruthless perfectionist of a woman he knew, was a huge baby. What a wonderful surprise.

While Saiki was brooding over his fruitful discovery, unbeknownst to him, the subject of his thoughts was already half-awake, her dazzling azule hues glinting with something as she stares at his contemplating face.

Teruhashi donned a lovestruck expression, mind blank and ridden of anything but the view before her. Like nothing else seemed to matter but the sheer joy and affection she feels over waking up to the existence of her husband, the way his presence enveloped her and made her safe, the way his pink hair ruffled and swayed with the wind, the way they framed his handsome, stoic features--

--she's still a bit tipsy and drowsy, but there was no doubt that at that moment, she was hopelessly in love, her cheeks gaining color as her eyes narrow at him fondly, and for a single moment, as Saiki huffed in thought, Teruhashi's eyes flits to his lips.

Saiki notices she's awake as he perks up ever so slightly, sighing in resignation in the process.

Oh, so you're awake, he says, and then he turns his head to look her way--

--only for her lips to smash against his, and at once, his half-lidded, bored eyes from before lit up and expanded in shock, train of thoughts breaking into a stop as the emergency bells ring in his head, but they went unheard as Saiki gets caught in the moment.

Time seemed to stop as the wind passed through their bodies and ruffled their hairs. Her arms had flung itself to wrap around his neck, and they gripped him close to her as her lips slightly moved against his, before parting from it with a slow, silent smack.


Caught off guard, Saiki's face remained aghast, eyes widened as he just froze and looked at her in pure, genuine shock, words lost and jumbled as he desperately tries to piece together the mystery before him while maintaining his composure.

What the...?

She stares back at his bewildered hues for a second, tilting her head questioningly as her relaxed features from before explodes into crimson in realization-- oh my god! What did she do!?

"Oh-oh my--! Sa-Sai-- I mean, Ku-Ku-Kusuo! I-- that was, um...!" Kokomi blurted and sputtered, hands waving around in defense even though he hadn't said a word yet.

Blinking owlishly at her reaction, Saiki finally finds his protests lodged in his throat as they bubble up and die. He finally got hold of what just happened, he mused to himself as his eyes still narrowed in confusion and suspicion.

Teruhashi kissed him. He wasn't able to dodge. He honestly felt attacked as cold sweat formed and fell down his cheek, and wordlessly, he clammed down the jaw he didn't realize had dropped and swiftly turned his face away.

He felt his cheeks go numb-- and as speechless as he was, Saiki currently wracked his brain for answers, an irritated expression on his face as he bit his lip and felt his cheeks eventually burn.

How did he not see it coming? It was twice as humiliating-- it was so sudden that the telepathic psychic was indeed thrown off. How come he didn't notice and see through her wicked plan to steal his lips..?

Then, there came his answer, as the fussing Teruhashi in his arms finally went silent, curling herself against his body as if to hide her shame as she clutched her trembling hands to her chest and brushed her reddened fingertips against her lips in an uncharacteristically shameful manner.

"I'm really sorry.. I did it without thinking.."

She eventually whispered meekly as steam practically rose from her head, face flushed and wetted with cold sweat as she averted her gaze.


The numbness and embarassment that took over Saiki's face died down, and with a blank, deadpanned look, he regarded the fidgeting bluenette in his arms with a far away gaze.

There was his answer. She wasn't thinking. She wasn't thinking. She wasn't thinking.

......How dangerous, Saiki mused, averting his gaze with a troubled expression.

The two continue their trek home in silence. That had been their first kiss, and Saiki had to suffer through witnessing the various fantasies that immediately erupted from the girl's imaginative mind, occasionally sighing tiredly at how wide the scale and range of her scenes went, and relishing in her silliness as he eventually relaxed and tucked themselves in when they arrived safe and sound in their humble abode.

Teruhashi clung to him like glue all night long. He couldn't exactly blame her, so just once, he let her be and slept enveloped with a comfortable warmth on that cold, frigid night.

Let's Go Home. [ TeruSai/SaiTeru ]Where stories live. Discover now