Histoire en anglais

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Bonjour tout le monde !
Je reviens pour vous présenter une histoire très brève que j'ai créé pour une rédaction en anglais !
Pour le plaisir de quelques uns.
Essayez de lire, plus tard, je la publierai en français.
Si vous êtes comme moi, très nulle en anglais et particulièrement en compréhension, n'hésitez pas à me demander.
J'ai reçu une note très satisfaisante, donc j'ai eu l'idée de poster cette histoire ici.
Génial, non ? Je vais pouvoir vous embêter avec mon anglais.
Je vous laisse à votre lecture, bonne chance !
( Je tiens à préciser que je me suis un petit peu inspiré d'une série, si vous la reconnaissez, vous êtes les meilleurs !
Les autres aussi vous êtes les meilleurs, soyez pas jaloux.)
Kiss~ 😜😘

Once upon a time, in a school pron all is different. All the students are specials, they are metamorphs, vampires and shadowhunters. Wherehas, there is one who a markdown of the people. She is a metamorph but as well, as a shadowhunters. She has a unbelievable powers, they will sometimes make it hand for but thanks to them, she will meet great people. Her name is Ellie, her hair is blue, but natural. Her eyes, bright and bright red, like the glow of a ruby, turn a lot of eyes. Her physical was just as good as the perfectly sculpted features of her face.
Her supple and slender body flows gracefully through the crowd.
She is observed with finess.

Nevertheless, her arrival in this new high school allowed her to have confidence in himself and to help his friends when they needed it and without hesitation.


Four month after arriving in high school, she became familiar with it. One day, everything nocks, while everything was going well, someone would turn everything upside down someone terribly evil. His pseudonyme is Malicious, quite ridiculous by the way, I do not know how someone can get up in the morning saying " Oh, well, I'll become a naty and call me Malicious", ridiculous, really.


Moving on, between us, a relationship was formed quickly, I would have described it as, Malicious is the mouse and I'm the cat.
Difficult to caleh but not to eat.
But, one day, I thought the opposite would happen, that the mouse would eat the cat.

This woman attached my friends, the innocent and human inhabitants of this city. As she was about to cast a destructive spell, I threw herself on her, without her expecting it. My shots were fast and agile like those of  a feline, Malicious seems my attacks the best she could. Each of us weahenod, out of breath, she darted back, then now on, I was on the defensive, feen took over, I did not control myself anymore. I quickly metamorphosed into an eagle and flew high into the sky. I retransformed and fellinto the void. I look my stele and removed the piece of fabric that covered my wrist. I bent my wrist swiftly to the left and passed my stele over it, the burn that turned into a symbol made me tear a grimace of pain. The symbol of the flight, I am saved. Or not. I saw that Malicious  was flying, she caught me. I turned into a wolf, keeping the wings that the power of the stele given me.
As winged wolf, we do not see that every day. I jumped to his rech and pulled him windly, withdrawing his humanity forever.
The taste of blood invaded my mouth, it disgusts me, her blood flowed freely and she had lost her power. I retransformed myself, the blood straining my clothes and I spat cut the one that was in my mouth.


I go back down to join my friends in a place where no human will be able to see us, the school.

_ << You're not going to be dead>>, my friend pointed out.

_<< Yes, indeed>>, I replied we anily and hiredly.


Finally, it was the cat that devoured the mouse without care.


Voilà, j'espère que ça vous aura plû.
N'hésitez pas à me donner vos avis en commentaire, ça m'aide à m'améliorer.
Si vous voulez que je refasse plusieurs histoires comme ça, courte, anglais, et la traduction prochainement, n'hésitez pas à me le dire !

Voilà, à la prochaine pour de nouvelles aventures ! ( Ou conneries 😂)

Bisooooouuuus~ 😘❤

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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