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Did you ever wonder what would happen if your whole world crashed down right in front of your eyes? Well it all started with a swift glance.

It was a regular Monday morning you know when you feel like death itself. Nori hit her alarm clock with rage as the sound of the beeping drilled into her skull. Honestly the sound of the alarm clock which played every morning at the same time with the same sound only made waking up more dreadful. What could be worse then that sound? After the endless punches didn't silence the clock she threw it at the door with rage. Wow it's baffling how a simple task such as crawling out of bed could become such a chore.
"NORI GET OUT OF BED" screamed her obnoxious Mother
Right then she realised there was a worse sound than the alarm clock.
Who knew you could physically roll your eyes into the back of your head?

Nori was slowly eating breakfast and contemplating her existence. Like you do in a morning. There was a sudden knock on the door.
"IT'S OPEN" she belched
Right then her friend Lorna barged in practically snatching her Cheerios out of her hand.
"You know there are new boys joining school today right?" Questioned Lorna
She nodded in agreement
"So you're wearing that?"
She nodded for a second time
"Oh are you sure"
She nodded thrice
"Wow okay"

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