Chapter XVIII

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[When was the last time I updated? haha okay never mind.]


I immediately stood up from my seat as I realized that the voice I just heard was Jinyoung's. He could be around here. I just hope so. I need to talk to him.

Turning my head around, less suspicious this time, I tried to look for him but no Jinyoung at all.

"Are you alright? Is there something wrong again?" Evora asked.

"Huh?" I looked at her, her brows furrowed, "yeah I'm fine. I just remembered something. Evora, if you don't mind, I need to go."

"Oh yeah sure. I'll have to meet my group too," Evora replied with a smile. Then I dashed out of the cafeteria.

But where will I look for him? I'm sure he's just around here but where?

I ran out to the lobby of the building but he's not there.

'Where are you? I need to talk to you.' I told him. 'Please.'

Walking out of the lobby, I went straight to the field where some baseball varsity players at the bench are getting ready for their practice.

"Isn't she the one living with G7?" I heard one guy asked. "I saw her once with Mark... inside her car," he continued with malicious chuckles which annoyed me big time.

"Yeah that's her."

"Damn she's hot! I wonder what they did inside the car."

I really should get outta her before I throw up all I've eaten during lunch. These guys are gross. In movies that I watch, varsity guys are stupid a-holes and indeed they are. Ew!

Running out of the field, I fasten my face going to the rooftop. I could remember Youngjae saying that Jinyoung's favorite place at Uncle Lu's building is the rooftop and this time I'm testing my luck.

But which building? Damn this school! Why does it have to be so huge?

'Jinyoung answer me please. Where are you?'

But I heard not a single word from him. Is he playing hard to get, now that I remember everything? Why now? I hate playing games.

Then I finally decided to first check the Music and Arts Building. That's the building with least students at this time of the day. He must be there.

Oh wait.

Back then I always find him at the library. The time I knew he was a werewolf, I found him there. And when he suddenly disappeared before the dance contest, I also found him there.

Now that I remember everything, it's easy to know where to find him. I just hope he's there.

Taking a U-turn, I ran back to the High School Department building next to that is the library, which I presume Jinyoung's favorite place.

"No running please," the librarian told me soon as I came in, then she walked pass me.

"I'm sorry," I bowed.

"Just like her mother," I heard her scoffed as she walked to her office.

She knows my mother?

Well, my mom graduated here. Maybe that's why she knows her. But how come that she knew that I'm her daughter?

Oh never mind. I need to find Jinyoung.

Just then I started to check on every section of the library, including the back of the shelves hoping to see him there asleep or maybe reading a book.

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