Bad girl's gone wild

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I'm dancing around the pole.

With the pole.

I feel powerful, I'm fearless.

I can hear hoots from the ecstatic males watching me.

I can almost see their drool as they stare at me.

Yes I'm dancing in a strip club in Vegas.

I'm doing it for the money.

But also for the sense of power it gave me.

Being this wild makes me feel like no one can hurt me.

Not anymore.

I've been hurt too many times.

This last one was it.

I was done.

If my body is all I have to offer then so be it.

If I was seen as just a worthless slut,

Then so be it.

Now I'm where I belong.

In the strip club, and these men stare at me like I'm a goddess.

I know I could get whatever I want from each one of them with the snap of my finger. In exchange for sex ofcourse .

But I don't even want to go there.

I'm content here.

Right here

How did I get here?

Well I'll tell you.


You see after I passed out in the school hall and was revived at the school clinic.

I was taken to my home to get some rest.

I couldn't rest.

My phone had several missed calls from.


But nothing from Ben.

I thought he'd be worried and want to know how I was doing.

I decided to swallow the little pride I had left and call him.

Someone picks up the phone but it's not Ben.

"Bitch why are you so delusional. Ben is with me now. He doesn't want to be with a slut like you"

I could recognize that contempt filled voice anywhere.


Tears welled up in my eyes.

I couldn't speak.

My throat constricted.

"He's with me and he wants nothing to do with your defiled self. So just save yourself more humiliation and leave him and everyone the fuck alone " she yells with so much anger and hangs up.

I couldn't stop the tears.

It all just came pouring out uncontrollably.

My heart shattered into pieces

It hurt. It hurt too much.

Ben saw the real me and fled.

He wanted nothing to do with me now.

I cried so much, I couldn't breath. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried uncontrollably.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hands and I looked at the screen.

THE BAD GIRL'S BOY Where stories live. Discover now